I'm sort of picky when it comes to fanfiction.

Archive for June 8, 2011

Batman/Robin, Batman/Nightwing Slash

Everything else is here.  Really, I blame (thank?) Te for showing me what good fanfic looks like (and therefore giving me standards . . .).  BTW, if anyone is interested, here is Te’s smut manifesto.

Regarding Robin, I really only like Tim fics.  He’s a good kid, but he’s also not as compliant as Dick was (or seemed to be).  Of course, Dick showed them all what rebelling was all about and that counts for a lot, really.


Iconic by Te and Jack
Summary:  When Gotham gives you architecture like that, it must be used.
Ratings Note: NC-17.
My Warnings/Opinion:  Bottom!Nightwing, Bottom!Batman (so hot!).  In my old tagging system, all I have other than what I’ve already written is: “Home run!”  Heh.  This is a good one.  Really good.  Top notch.

Batman/Robin (Tim)

A mean arithmetic by Te
Summary: Tim is an analytical sort. Bruce is an interesting subject.
Ratings Note/Warnings: NC-17. Content some readers may find disturbing.
My Warnings: Blow jobs, hand jobs

The Air, You Breathe by Te
Summary:  Batman and Robin vs. The Terrible Slash Cliché!
Ratings Note: NC-17. Content some readers may find disturbing.
My Warnings/Opinion:  Bottom!Robin (Tim), Sex Pollen, dub-con (sort of), first time, hand jobs, rimming, drugged (kind of goes with the bit about the sex pollen), chan (I think, since I’m not real sure how old Tim is here), begging, sex on hood of the Batmobile (whoo!).

Like I said, I don’t really care if it’s chan–especially if they’re both drugged and Tim is a teenager.

But yet so irresistible by Te
Summary:  Bruce and Tim bond.
Ratings Note/Warnings: NC-17. Contains content some readers may find disturbing.
My Warnings/Opinion: foreplay, hand jobs, blow jobs

For a long time, I had this one tagged in my bookmarks with these words:  “Best one.”  I’ll let you make your own opinions though.

Doesn’t Let Go by Jane St Clair
Summary:  There’s blood everywhere, and Tim won’t let go of him.
Warnings: Underage, hurt/comfort
My Warnings/Opinion: It’s rated as Explicit, but I think the author could move it down to Mature. Frottage. I really like this one, despite a few issues (like Batman’s wearing some of his armor, and then he’s miraculously naked?).  Trauma aftermath.

Something greater to catch by Te
Summary: It’s thrilling and terrifying and strange, and there is no comfort in familiarity.
Ratings Note/Warnings: NC-17. Contains content some readers may find disturbing.
Warnings: Chan, Bottom!Robin (Tim)

Teeth by Te
Summary: Negotiation is an art form, and a game.
Ratings Note/Warnings: NC-17. Content some readers may find disturbing.
My Warnings:  chanish, first time, Bottom!Robin (Tim), anal

Batman ‘Verse – Other Pairings

Batman/Robin and Batman/Nightwing pairings are here.  I think every slash pairing on this post could qualify under “rare,” but who knows.  Oh, except maybe the Batman/Superman ones.

I suppose that a lot of these are technically crossovers between the comic ‘verse and toon ‘verse and the Justice League . . . blah.  I don’t really care.

  • Batman

Batman paired with the Green Lantern.  Does that qualify as a rare pairing?  Maybe. If rare pairing is equal to being “ridiculously hard to find,” then I’d say it qualifies.

Which Green Lantern is listed here?  The John Stewart one, unless noted otherwise.

From Green Lantern #156Batman/Green Lantern

Power Lines by Te
Summary:  It’s not a relationship.
Ratings Note: NC-17.
My Warnings:  Bottom!GreenLantern, blow jobs, rare pairing

Batman/Flash (Wally West)

If Batman/Green Lantern pairings are ridiculously hard to find, then Batman/Flash pairings are only slightly better.  I think authors enjoy putting these two together if only because they are complete and utter opposites.

And in this moment by Te
Summary:  Wally’s got a visitor.
Ratings Note:  NC-17. So very, very NC-17.
My Warnings:  Gee, where should I start . . .  rare pairing, blow jobs/hand jobs, first time, rimming, Bottom!Flash (multiple orgasms?).  Um.  That’s mostly it.

Point Proven by Jazyrha
Summary:  Wally has a point to prove.
Warnings: Bondage, Restraints, Humour, Banter, Mild Language, Sexual Content
My Warnings:  Bottom!Flash

Possibility by Te
Summary:  Wally tries hard.  Batman doesn’t.
Ratings Note: NC-17.
Author’s Note: Never in my life did I think I’d write this pairing.   I’ve *mocked* this pairing. I know better now.
My Warnings:  hand job, literal darkness, first time, rare pairing.  Also, this is the first of a three part series.  I don’t much like the ones after (not b/c they aren’t good, but b/c they aren’t my thing).

Date Night is the next fic, and In the hollows of his love comes after that.

same grim giving, The by shrift
Summary/Warning:  Sex pollen
My Warnings:  Hand jobs, Bottom!Flash, sort of dub-con, but not really . . . you’ll see.

This Fever, Spreading by Te
Summary: Wally knows he shouldn’t.
Ratings Note/Warning: NC-17. Possible disturbing content.
My Warnings: Finger fucking, blow jobs

Threats and Promises by laceymcbain
Summary:  Bruce had said if Wally didn’t come back, he’d come and get him. It wasn’t a threat. It was a promise.
Warnings:  Shower sex, angst, established relationship (it’s part 6 of a series – but not really necessary to read others unless you want to . . .)
My Warnings:  Finger fucking, blow jobs

Trespass not on his solitude by shrift
Summary: “You shouldn’t be here,” Batman says.
Warnings:  First Time, Hot Tub, justice league (animated)
My Warnings: Bottom!Flash

Batman/Gordan/Harvey Dent – from Nolan movies

Men on the Chessboard by jane_potter
Summary:  In the end, everything is very simple: Bruce is the legend, Harvey is the lion, and Jim is the law; and if this is the sum of them, then they are nothing if not with each other. This thing between them– whatever it is– has bound them together for years, and all that’s really certain is that both Gotham and they are better for it.
Warnings:  Threesome – M/M/M, Blow Jobs, Dirty Talk, Explicit Language, Explicit Sexual Content, Chess, Blindfolds
My Opinion/Warnings: Bottom!Dent. Rare Pairing (at least with all three of them).  They know his secret identity and Dent is still Dent.


Hell or High Water by Azurine
Summary: “I told you not to touch it.”
Warnings: Aliens-Make-Them-Do-It
My Warnings/Opinion: Bottom!Batman, friggin’ hilarious

“Um. . .” said Bruce. Vaguely, he wondered how exactly *he* always ended up being the guy who had to deal with strange shit like this. Captain America probably *never* had to watch gay porn in an alien spaceship.

In, around, through by Te
Summary: Eventually, they were going to have to talk. One way or another.
Ratings Note: NC-17
My Warnings/Opinion: Bottom!Batman (oh hell yes!), finger fucking, public sex (ish).

This pairing is just a problem waiting to happen. I mean, the Dark Knight and the Boy Scout? On the other hand, I like when people write Supes with a little depth (really, any would be more than most). And Bottom!Bats . . . geez. Look at the others on this list. Batman NEVER bottoms, except in non-con sometimes. So hot.

Batman (Bruce)/Batman (Terry McGinnis)

Even the wildest animals by Te
Summary: Terry isn’t entirely altruistic.
Ratings Note: NC-17. Cold weather comfort fic with porn.
My Warnings: Blow job, hand job, massage, age difference, technically chan . . . sort of. Like Terry’s old enough to be Batman, but not have sex with guys more than FOUR TIMES his age? Dude.

Grace, force, fascination by Te
Summary: Terry knows how to get what he wants.
Ratings Note: NC-17.
My Warnings/Opinion: Age difference (like extreme, and technically chan, I suppose, even if Terry is 16 or 17), blow jobs, finger fucking, Bottom!Batman (Terry), light begging.

I don’t think I’ve ever read this pairing anywhere else, but then again, I really didn’t care for this Batman that much, so it’s likely I just never looked. *slightly feral grin* But Te does it right.

  • Alfred Pennyworth

Alfred Pennyworth/Lucius Fox

Backstage by Yahtzee
Summary:  “We are neither of us what we were intended to be.”  Some love stories are no worse for an interruption.
My Warnings:  Kisses.  *pleased*  Rare pairing.

Hidden Depths by minim_calibre
Summary: For Porn Battle 8, prompt Alfred/Lucius, dedication
My Warnings: Hand job, rare pairing

Old, Familiar Things by lonelywalker
Summary:  Alfred and Lucius’ first evening in the new and improved Wayne Manor.
My Warnings/Opinion:  Bottom!Alfred (which leaves me halfway between “wow!” and “oh god”).  However, it’s not explicit, so I’m definitely more on the “wow” side.  Vague, general, but still spicy. 🙂  Rare pairing?

  • Harley Quinn

Harley Quinn/Joker

Bad Jokes by hahaharley
Summary: Harley sees a case that could make her career. The Joker sees a naïve young therapist with a breakable mind. Swiftly, he lures her into a downward spiral, resulting in her defeat and rebirth as Harley Quinn, the only one capable of surviving at his side.
Warnings: Psychological Drama, Thriller, Suspense, Graphic depictions of violence
My Warnings/Opinion: het!, really awesome fic

Forty Eight by rapacityinblue
Summary: One man’s freedom is another’s descent into madness.
Warnings: Graphic depictions of violence, [references to] child abuse
My Warnings/Opinion: The allure of the Joker . . . to a young Harley Quinn.

Malady by hahaharley
Summary: The Joker is sick, so Harley does what any girl with a deathly ill, overachieving partner would do— she drugs him and handcuffs him to the bed until he gets better.
Warnings: Psychological Drama, Hurt/Comfort, Graphic depictions of violence
My Warnings/Opinion: addiction, het

NCIS – McGee Fics (Slash, Gen etc.)


Acting on Impulse – Part 1 by taylorgibbs
Acting on Impulse – Part 2 by taylorgibbs
Summary: When Tony befriends McGee anonymously online, he sets into motion a chain of events that could destroy everything—his job, his relationship with Gibbs, and the trust between his team. A wild impulse could make or break him.
Warnings: slight domination, threesome, clubbing, makeup on boys, Bottom!Dinozzo

Little Boy Found by Precious Pup
Summary: Follows on from Little Boy Lost but can be read seperately. McGee/Gibbs first time. Gibbs seducing McGee.. or the other way around? Stuck in hotel room together. One shot 13 pages
Warnings: slash, light bondage, spanking, Dom/Sub. Mentions of Gibbs/Tony.
My Warnings: Bottom!McGee

Lost Boys by Precious Pup
Summary: Tony who was Gibbs original ‘Lost Boy’ is invited back to Gibbs’s basement to join him and McGee, who has become Gibbs’ new Lost Boy. Several chapters of slash, sex, humor, jealously, fun, fear and games.
Warnings: Bondage, sex toys, Season five spoilers
My Warnings: Bottom!McGee, Bottom!Dinozzo


Depths of a Smile by lifevolutionary
Summary: He’d called McGee Tim. He was slipping. The tiredness was eroding his filters, letting things past his walls that were better kept firmly out of the light. Abby gets fed up of the unresolved flirting between Gibbs and McGee and gives them a shove in the right direction.
My Warnings/Opinion: Kissing, flirting, sex (but no actually scenes during – aw poo)

The author has this classed as M (Mature), but I wouldn’t put it past Teen.  It is awful cute though.

Jack by Precious Pup
Summary: Gibbs goes to have a drink with a friend at a bar and find himself with a drunk McGee on his hands at the end of the night. very eye opening for him.
Warnings: Pre slash essentially. Humourous one shot
My opinion: – doesn’t really need a beta; more like a good once over by someone other than the author.

Trapped by Enthusiastic Fish
My Summary:  Gibbs and McGee trapped in a basement together following an earthquake.
My Warnings:  Injured!Tim 😦 Gen.

You Better Believe It by Emerald1
Summary:  When Gibbs misspeaks, his lover teaches him a valuable lesson.
Warnings:  PWP, mild bondage
My Warnings:  bottom!Gibbs, dom!Tim


Turnabout is Fair Play by my_young_friend
Summary:  McGee has a new toy that he wants to show Tony.
Warnings:  Orgasm Denial, Sex Toys, Double Penetration
My Warnings:  Bottom!Dinozzo

What Happens In The Van, Really Won’t Stay There by my_young_friend
Summary: “Could you, I don’t know, could you whistle or something?” “You want me to put my lips together and blow, Probie?”
Warnings: Implication of semi-public urination
My Warnings: Awkward situations