I'm sort of picky when it comes to fanfiction.

Archive for June 7, 2011

NCIS – Gibbs/Dinozzo


Anger and Release by tutncleo
Summary:  Tony is angry, and so is Gibbs.
Warning:  This contains very explicit slash. If you don’t like it please don’t read. It’s pretty much a PWP.
My Warnings:  Bottom!Dinozzo, rough sex

Belay by tzigane, Zaganthi (Caffiends)
Summary:  Maybe it was just the kinky part, or maybe it was a little bit of both, but there was something about reddened lips stretched around a bright blue swirly silicon ball that made his dick kind of twitch with desire at the mere sight of it, never mind the more-or-less silence it got him.
Warnings:  Gags
My Warnings:  Bottom!Dinozzo, wicked hot

Breaking the Rules by Vanessa Sgroi
Summary:  Tony should know better than to try and hide injuries from Gibbs. Not much in the way of plot. Just an excuse for some hurt/comfort between DiNozzo and Gibbs. Rated K plus for a bit of swearing.
Warnings:  Language, Hurt/comfort

Damage by Xanthe
Summary: When Gibbs investigates a minor robbery, he uncovers something much more sinister. The resulting investigation has unexpected and far-reaching consequences.
Warnings: Angst, Drama, Case, Hurt/Comfort, Action, First Time, Romance
My Warnings/Opinion: Underage (OC/12 year old Tony) non-con (references and a few flashbacks – major one in chapter 4), Bottom!Gibbs, references to abuse (neglect, sexual), Bottom!Dinozzo, disturbing subject matter (but worth the read!)
Length: 134K, Complete

Destination by thehoyden
Summary:  It’s like a bad joke: Gibbs and Fornell walk into an elevator. When they walk out, Gibbs says, “Pack your bags, DiNozzo — you’re going on a trip.”
Warnings:  Epistolary, Season 6
My Warnings: Bottom!Dinozzo

By the way, in case you’re wondering: 


1. contained in or carried on by letters: an epistolary friendship.
2.  of, pertaining to, or consisting of letters.

Drunken visit and a lot of love SLASH GibbsTony by needtoknow400
Summary:  Tony shows up drunk at Gibbs house, talking about a bad break-up and being in love with someone he can’t have. Will Gibbs put the pieces together? SLASH Gibbs/Tony
Warnings:  Slash
My Warnings:  Frottage, Bottom!Dinozzo (and probably more, but it’s over 50K and I don’t feel like rereading the entire thing right now), first time (for Gibbs being w/ a man), angst, needs a beta-ish, and it doesn’t read as easily as some authors (they’ve got Gibbs style of speaking down fairly well, but Dinozzo doesn’t seem to talk enough; I dunno).
Length:  53K

Dynamic Inertia by slashscribe
Summary: Gibbs comes home one day to find Tony doing some questionable exercises in the living room.  Turns out Tony’s been ordering from infomercials, and Gibbs finds his new exercise equipment a bit of a turn on.  (Or, put simply, this is Shake Weight pr0n!)
My Warnings:  PWP, Bottom!Dinozzo

Edge of Apology by inksheddings
Summary:  A pot of coffee, a bottle of bourbon, and a situation neither Tony or Gibbs are sure how to come back from.
Warnings: Graphic Depictions of violence, Rape/Non-con
My Warnings: A variation on the Fuck-Or-Die scenario. Blow job.

Intimidation by rebecca (whom I’m assuming is blue raccoon, but I don’t know that for sure)
Summary: In the end, it didn’t matter who had started it.
My Warnings: a little rough, Bottom!Dinozzo

Shadows of Myself by Memento Vivere
Summary: No one really knows who you truly are…no one cares to look. If they only did they might see… Tony angst abounds.
Warnings: This story is heavy on the angst, and deals with some subject matter that might make people uncomfortable (i.e.- themes of suicide). So be warned.
My Warnings/Opinion: Not slash, not a relationship in that sense, but there definitely is a relationship between Gibbs and DiNozzo here.  Gibbs is like a kind of lifeline for him. Depression. Nifty concept.

This is a really good fic, but if you’re depressed, I wouldn’t recommend reading it all in one sitting.

Stimulus The NCIS Adaptation by forcryinoutloud
Summary:  Tony wriggled, testing the bindings holding him to the bed. GibbsTony
Warnings:  SLASH
My Warnings:  Bottom!Dinozzo, bondage

Twenty Drabbles for the Merry Month of Masturbation 2010 by dustandroses
Fandoms include:  Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Firefly, NCIS, Oz (TV), Stargate SG-1, Stargate Atlantis, and The X-Files
Summary: Twenty drabbles, nineteen characters, seven fandoms and too many sex acts to count. Here are all the drabbles I wrote for for the MMoM 2010 Challenge. (This includes double and triple drabbles – so all these works will be either be 100, 200 or 300 words exactly.)
Warnings: Fluff, Bondage, Bukkake, Dom/Sub, disturbing imagery, Rare Pairing, Character of Color, Female Character of Color, Minor Character Death, Masturbation
My Opinion:  hottest set of drabbles I’ve ever read

Wake Up Call by Webbgirl
Summary:  Tony gives Gibbs a wake up call he won’t forget.
Warnings:  Smut
My Warnings: 
Blow jobs