I'm sort of picky when it comes to fanfiction.

Posts tagged ‘mutual masturbation’

Asexual Faves

Hey, I’m alive!  Trying to update the lists here.  Don’t be surprised if you find something new.

Batman ‘verse

Hugging Batman is a Bad Idea by alienfairyprincess
Summary: An adventure involving two villains, three heroes, and at least one hungry pitcher plant. Some cute fluff with Harley and Ivy, Batman getting hugs, etc.. Inspired by Batman the Animated Series.

This is going to follow my own personal headcanon of Poison Ivy being asexual and just being brilliant at weaponizing the fact that people (often men) choose to sexualize her anyways. *shrugs shoulders* the plant jokes are just too good, sorry
Pairing:  Pamela Isley/Harleen Quinzel
Warnings: Asexual Character, Batman the animated series – Freeform, Cute gays, Occasional swearing, Harley loves kissing people, Ivy is used to weaponizing affection, lots of hugging, Batman needs hugs too ok, Just probablyyy preferably not from Poison Ivy, I don’t know all the canon stuff so if i messed up these characters forgive me, Canon Disabled Character, be gay do crime, Batfamily (DCU)
My notes:  crack, anyone?

The Most Terrifying Thing by  for Goodluckdetective (scorpiontales)
Summary:  Tim has a secret he has been keeping, one that he feels even he only barely understands. He’s worried what others are able to accept, of how it may change things. He just doesn’t want anyone to know.
Warnings:  Accidental Outing, Asexual Character, Hurt/Comfort

Doctor Who

An Odd Pair by stcrmpilot
Summary:  Donna realizes that her friendship with the Doctor (10) doesn’t look quite like the ones she’s used to.
Warnings:  Gen Work, Light Angst, Humor, Fluff, Platonic Cuddling, Alien Cultural Differences, Alien Gender/Sexuality, Miscommunication, Asexual Doctor (Doctor Who), Aromantic Doctor (Doctor Who)

Does Spooning Work as Superglue? by AngelCuttingOnions
Summary:  Jack and the Doctor were there when one of them needed to feel something besides numbness or pain. They’d seen too much, their eyes showing every hurt, every failure, every heartbreak they’d ever had.
Pairing:  Ninth Doctor/Jack Harkness
Warnings:  Asexual Doctor (Doctor Who), Angst, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Hurt/Comfort, Asexual Character

Harry Potter ‘verse

Ain’t Got That Sex Appeal by Tobalerone
Summary:  Harry’s boyfriend, Tom Riddle, loves to see Harry naked—can get aroused from just a bit of exposed skin. Harry can’t quite understand it.
Pairing:  Harry Potter/Tom Riddle
Warnings:  Asexual!Harry, Established Relationship, Alternate Universe – Modern Setting, Sexual Content, Fooling Around in the Shower, Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot, Hand Jobs

Best Friends, of course by AKAwestruck
Summary:  After a bewildering interaction with Hermione, Harry learns that some people think romance is important. Luckily, Snape does not.
Short snippets of a world in which almost none of the Harry Potter plot is relevant.
Pairing:  Harry Potter/Severus Snape
Warnings:  Asexual Character, Aromantic Character, Queerplatonic Relationships, Snippets, Alternate Universe – Forget Canon, Age Difference

The Detentions, Or, Five Times Severus Snape Caught Charlie Weasley After Curfew (And One Time He Didn’t) by afinch
Summary:  Snape looks at Charlie and sees a lot of himself.
Charlie looks at Snape and finds an unlikely friend.
Pairing:  Severus Snape/Charlie Weasley
Warnings:  Asexual Character, Asexuality, Asexual Relationship, 5 Times, Pre-Relationship, Pre-Canon, Canon Compliant, Rare Male Slash Exchange 2017, Treat Fic, Pre-Goblet of Fire, Bullying

Something New by Nahiel
Summary:  With his children now at adulthood and his marriage to Ginny Weasley over, Harry is ready to start over as Hogwarts’ new Defense Against Dark Arts professor. He’s convinced that he’s going to live his life alone but Neville isn’t so sure that’s what’s actually going to happen. Neither quite understand their sexualities, but can they make things work together?
Pairing:  Neville Longbottom/Harry Potter
Warnings:  Asexual Harry, Asexual Neville, Divorce
Length:  41,525

Teen Wolf

An Act of Caring by Mysenia
Summary: Release may be the end goal but the act itself meant so much more.
Pairing:  Peter Hale/Stiles Stilinski
Warnings:  Asexual Character, Asexual Peter Hale, Fluff and Smut, Daddy Kink

Better Than Sex by SushiOwl
Summary: Peter likes Stiles. But Stiles has a secret he’s sure will ruin everything. It’s the end of the world.
Pairing:  Peter Hale/Stiles Stilinski
Warnings:  Asexual Stiles Stilinski, Good Peter Hale, most or less, Sarcasm, Demons, Minor Injuries, is a broken bone minor?, we’ll say it is, Gift Giving, courting, references to old muscials, Caretaking, Caring Peter

Domestic Bliss and Other Nonsense by moonstalker24
Summary:  “So, I think we should get married.”

Peter chokes, fumbles for a second, then manages to set his mug of tea down on the coffee table. He turns to look at Stiles, who is sprawled over the end of the couch, flipping through an old book.

“What?” Peter asks.

Stiles turns bright amber eyes on the stunned werewolf. “We should get married.”


“So all the books can be in one place.”
Pairing:  Peter Hale/Stiles Stilinski
Warnings:  Asexual Character, Asexual Relationship, Asexual Stiles, Asexual Peter, domestic steter, Tooth-Rotting Fluff
My Notes:  Wonderful

Domestic Bliss and Rubber Ducks by moonstalker24
Summary:  Two years after getting married, Stiles and Peter Stilinski-Hale take on a new challenge because Scott is a little bit of a failwolf. Learning how to be parents and all the things that go with it.

Stiles melts into a gooey puddle that he will never admit to anyone, ever. Peter is asleep on his back, one arm trailing on on the floor, the other one is draped over the back of the tiniest person Stiles has ever been within three feet of. Dark brown curls and little pointed werewolf ears and two chests rising in tandem with each other.
Pairing:  Peter Hale/Stiles Stilinski
Warnings:  Asexual Stiles Stilinski, Asexual Character, Asexual Peter Hale, Werebabies, stiles and peters a+ parenting, Derek is a Failwolf, but we love him anyway, Learning to Parent, werewolf style, scott is a failwolf too, all the fluffies, just all the fuzzies

it’s not the color i came in by nezstorm
Summary:  Stiles is a bit of an anomaly among the Omegas he knows, or everyone on the spectrum really.  For him, heats are about comfort and safety, and not at all about sex.
Pairing:  Peter Hale/Stiles Stilinski
Warnings:  Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Omega Stiles Stilinski, Alpha Peter Hale, Asexual Stiles Stilinski, Alternate Universe – Library, Librarian Stiles, Good Peter Hale, Mating Cycles/In Heat, Humor, Fluff, Angst, Misunderstandings, courting, Food, Developing Relationship, Asexuality, Lekking, Allergies, sex repulsed character
My Notes:  *sniffles loudly*

Life Is What You Bake It by neglectedtuesday
Summary: “You’re not broken Mr. Stilinski, nor are you a freak,” Deaton says, reaching into a drawer and searching for something, “You are simply asexual.”

“Asexual?” The word tastes heavy in Stiles mouth but it doesn’t feel wrong.

“Asexuality is not uncommon in society,” Deaton continues, finding what he was looking for. Unsurprisingly it’s a pamphlet. “There are lots of omegas, betas and alphas are asexual or a form of asexuality. There are many chat forums and websites that cater specifically to asexuality. Obviously you will not be required to go to play-mating classes anymore and if you so wish you can remain off the suppressants.”

Stiles clutches the pamphlet in his hands. Asexual. Not broken, just asexual. It’s a word that Stiles can definitely get used to.
Pairing:  Peter Hale/Stiles Stilinski
Warnings: Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Alternate Universe – Bakery, Asexual Stiles Stilinski, Minor Allison Argent/Scott McCall, Baked Goods Galore, Omega Stiles Stilinski, Beta Peter Hale

The Parts Of Sex Pollen Fics That No One Wants To Admit Happens by Bam4Me
Summary: Sometimes, sex pollen doesn’t work like people want it to. Sometimes people won’t choose to get fucked over choosing to die. Sometimes, people are fine with that.
Warnings:  Sex Pollen, Sex Or Death, Stiles Chose Death, suicide talk, Suicide, kind of, Depression, Depressed Stiles, asexual!Stiles, Stiles Refuses To Be Raped To Survive
My Notes:  sad

smells like love by Areiton
Summary:  They smell like warm love and want.
That isn’t the problem.
The problem is they smell like sex.
Pairings:  Chris Argent/Peter Hale, Chris Argent/Peter Hale/Stiles Stilinski, Peter Hale/Stiles Stilinski, Chris Argent/Stiles Stilinski
Warnings:  Getting Together, Domestic Fluff, Established Relationship, Asexual Character, Relationship Negotiation, Werecreature Stiles Stilinski, First Kiss, Pining, Mutual Masturbation

Waiting for Pack by DiscontentedWinter, hisaribi
Summary:  This isn’t the first time Stiles has woken up in a different world.
This isn’t the first time that Peter has been caught in a place where time doesn’t exist.
Except this time they have each other.
Pairing: Peter Hale/Stiles Stilinski
Warnings: Asexual Stiles Stilinski, Magical Stiles Stilinski

Way Better Than Flowers by orphan_account
Summary: “So yeah, if you wanna date me, you can look forward to movie nights, homemade cookies, and absolutely no sex,” Stiles concludes, hope swelling in his chest as Derek gives him a thoughtful look. “Cuddling and forehead kisses are negotiable.”
Pairing:  Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski
Warnings:  Asexuality, Fluff, asexual!Stiles, asexual!Derek

Battlestar Galactica Slash

Recently started watching Battlestar Galactica (2003) with a friend of mine, because the local Blockbuster is finally going out of business.  Mostly done with season 1 and I’ve only just now started wondering about various characters as potential slashy characters.  *grins and rubs hands*  Anywho, I found a few between Colonel Tigh and Commander Adama and thought I’d share.

Tigh and Adama (not slash)

Solitary Acts by tjonesy
Summary:  Boys will be boys.
Warnings:  Masturbation
My Opinion:  Ridiculously funny

William Adama/Saul Tigh

Apogee, Perigee by fragrantwoods
Summary:  Saul had never seen “that” put up in a Triad game before…but he’d win it, for Bill. An unexpected but very welcome weekend ensues. Takes place AU, initially, while Saul and Bill are in the merchant fleet.
Warnings:  Alternate Universe – Canon Divergence, Romantic Fluff, Romantic Angst, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Eventual Happy Ending, Porn With Plot

A Quiet Revolution by The_Plaid_Slytherin
Summary:  When the discovery of Earth leaves Bill with the feeling that things couldn’t get any worse, he welcomes a development he can feel good about.
Warnings:  First time, smut
My Warnings:  blow jobs, mutual masturbation

Barometric Pressure by The_Plaid_Slytherin
Summary:  When a storm interrupts Saul’s afternoon by the lake, he and Bill find something to do inside.
Warnings: Smut, Pre-Canon
My Warnings: Bottom!Tigh

Animagi – HP

I’ve recently become obsessed with fics about animagi.  You know, as much as people talk about the overuse of the Cat!Harry theme, those stories are actually rather difficult to lay one’s paws–er hands on (unless you read more than I do).  And of course, since I’m sort of obsessed with Snape and Harry, a lot of these recs are going to focus on them.

And if you’ll scroll to the bottom of this post, I’ll give you a list of the rec pages I’ve found devoted to animagi/animal transformations.

Harry Potter, Severus Snape

A Bird in Hand by igtow
Summary:  Harry never can stay out of trouble and discovers something about Snidgets the–mes-mes-messy way.
Warnings:  Soft 13+ for ‘potty’ language
My Warnings/Opinion:  SSHP (they are married, but nothing physical), fun little fic
Length:  One-shot

A Bittersweet Potion – by Alchemia Dent and Bugland
Summary: “This story, beside other things, is awkwardness itself. Teenager Harry with, naturally, rampant hormones, with Voldemort’s visions and everything else that is Harry’s life, happened to become Snape’s cat. And the fucked-up bastard Snape grew to like his cat. And the cat had an opportunity to see the person behind Snape’s everyday persona. Both of them have more issues than, possibly, the rest of the school altogether. How can it not be awkward, I ask you. Sex in this fic is hilarious and wrong, sexy and hearbreaking [sic], painful and moving.” – Part of painless_j’s rec summary.
Warnings:  Suicide attempt (sort of), Death Eater violence (off screen)
My Warnings/Opinion:  There is no sex in the first fic (which is all I have read thus far) and only one kiss, and that was an absinthe induced hallucination.  Interesting style.  It’s sometimes difficult to separate reality from dreams.  6th year.
Length: Novella

Broken Wings by Snapegirlkmf
Summary:  Desperate to escape his guilt and nightmares after the third task, Harry transforms into a hawk by accident and ends up breaking both wings and suffering partial memory loss. He is found by Snape,who helps him and discovers the truth about his professor.
My Warnings/Opinion:  GEN
Length:  236K, Complete

The Greatest Gift by Snapegirlkmf
Summary:  Harry writes a letter to Severus trying to express how grateful he is that Severus adopted him and gave him a home and family. Just a little fic I wrote for Father’s Day. Set in the Broken Wings AU!

Caeruleus by Pagan Strega
Summary:  A Transfiguration accident leaves Harry in unusual circumstances. How will Snape react?
Warnings:  SSHP of course. Creature Fic
My Warnings/Opinion:  Awww.  Drake!Harry  A definite favorite.
Length:  One-shot.

Cat-Eyed by screaminglungs
Summary:  Severus comes home to find Harry upset. A Pile of fluff!
Length:  One-shot, SSHP, Cat!Harry

Cat Magic by gingertart
Summary:  Severus Snape discovers that he likes cats, but only in moderation.
Warnings: Character death (yeah, I know… but it isn’t angsty, honest.)
My Warnings:  GEN, funny

Cats to the Rescue by Healer Pomfrey
Summary:  Eight-year-old Harry notices cats have a much better life, or don’t they? Another Animagus story.
Warnings:  Completely AU, partly OOC, mentioning of abuse!Dursleys, sick!Harry, sick!Severus
My Warnings:  Cat!Harry, GEN

The Company You Keep by Ravenna C Tan
Summary:  The war is over. Severus Snape wants to be left alone. Draco wants Snape. Snape decides a stray cat is a better companion than a Malfoy, given what he learned about both Malfoy and Potter in the days after Voldemort had captured Harry.
My Warnings:  References to past abuse, use of imperius (past tense), Death Eaters, post-war, slash, Bottom!Harry, torture
Length:  10K, Complete

Disenchanted by cluegirl
Summary: Sent to Privet Drive to intercede in a domestic dispute, Severus finds that Harry Potter is not quite feeling himself.
Warnings: Cat!Harry
My Warnings/Opinion: References to abuse, cute, masturbation, SS/HP

Fox Tale by Sita Z
Summary: Lucius Malfoy enjoys his family traditions. Severus Snape is stuck with the unpleasant task of rescuing the victims. Until one night a captured boy surprises him…
Warnings: Abusive Dursleys, Alcohol Use, Child fic, Kidnapped, Neglect, Violence
My Warnings/Opinion:  GEN! Terror and sweetness all rolled into one.  One of my new favorite fics by one of my favorite authors
Length:  8k (It’s a two-shot)

Freaks Aren’t Allowed by lastcrazyhorn
Summary:  After nearly freezing to death outside his relative’s home, little Harry is rescued first by a spirit and then a snarky git! The adventure isn’t over yet though, as Snape soon realizes that his charge’s problems aren’t limited to just frostbite. Childfic
Warnings:  Child Abuse, Kid Fic, Fluff, Nightmares, Animagus, Adoption, Time Travel, Ghost!Lily, Ghost!James, Cute, Alternate Universe
My Warnings/Opinion: Awww.  Daddy Snape.  GEN!
Length:  44K, Complete

Not A Freak by lastcrazyhorn
Summary:  Okay, you’ve convinced me. Sequel to Freaks Aren’t Allowed. This is a series of one shots designed to fill in some of the blanks between Harry’s first year with Snape and his first year at Hogwarts.
Warnings:  Childfic. Fluff.
Length:  WIP

Hex-Crossed Lovers by HPRoundRobin
Summary:  Kirsu’s Challenge: Harry and Severus are caught in the cross fire of two hexes, causing them to be in each others company or they will suffer pain.
Warnings:  Sexual situations
My Warnings/Opinion:  The actual sex scene is very vague.  This author (or authors, given the user name) could also benefit from the use of a beta (mostly difficulties with switching tenses).  And the last chapter is kind of a cop out, but I still enjoyed the story.  Oh, and references to past non-con and child abuse.  Cobra!Harry
Length:  29K, Complete

Learning to Uncurl by Amorettea
My Warnings/Opinion:  Delightful fic.  Moose!Harry, Hedgehog!Snape, GEN, post-war

A Matter of Size by lana77
Summary:  Harry gains his animagus form, and is less than impressed.
Warnings:  Flobberworm!Harry
My Warnings:  GEN, major character death (NOT Harry)

More Animagus Harry (drabbles) by Soawen
My Warnings/Opinion:  I am amused.

A Most Impractical Cat by drachenmina
Summary:  During the horcrux hunt, Harry goes to Malfoy Manor in his animagus form of a cat to try and find Helga Hufflepuff’s cup. Things do not go according to plan…
Warnings:  Adult Language, Sexual Situations, BDSM, Beastiality, Contains Het Sex, Contains Slash Sex
My Warnings/Opinion:  Okay, the BDSM? Lucius and Narcissa.  The bestiality?  Nagini and Bellatrix.  The Het?  Bellatrix and everyone, I swear.  lol  Slash?  Harry and Severus!!!  Mutual masturbation. Cat!Harry
Length:  13K, Complete

Nesting by julesmonster
Summary:  “There was a potions accident during detention—isn’t there always?” Thus begins a loving slightly tongue-in-cheek tribute to all
Warnings:  Mpreg, creature, bonding and bottom!Snape fics. Slash. HP/SS.
My Warnings/Opinion:  Schmoop!  Fluff, Dragon!Harry
Length:  21K, complete

Parseltongue-Tied by Dementor Delta
Summary:  Harry makes friends with one of nature’s shy creatures.
Warnings:  Snake assisted wanking
My Warnings/Opinion:  Not just wanking.  Bottom!Harry.  Slash/Snarry.  Snake!Snape.
Length:  One-shot, complete

Pink by AbstractConcept
Summary:  Another of my humorous takes on a cliché fic idea. SLASH. Harry is determined to learn the Animagus Transformation, and the results are…unexpected. Humour, Romance, Snarry. One-shot
My opinion:  Really good little story.

Teacher’s Pet by AbstractConcept
Summary:  Sequel to Pink, can be read alone. Severus finds himself stuck with Harry, who can’t—or won’t—relinquish his Animagus form. Snape grows reluctantly fond of the bugger. Slash.

Fred and George Weasley, Harry, Hermione

Making Out Like Bandits by lionille
Summary:  Fred and George are well-suited to lead a wild life.
My Opinion:  Ridiculously hilarious.  I snorted out loud with glee while reading this.  GEN.

Draco Malfoy, Harry Potter

Becoming Bestial by Constant Vigilance.
Summary:  Harry/Draco. Harry teaches Draco how to change into his Animagus-form.Harry’s Animagus form is a wolf, Draco’s is a leopard.
Warnings:  Don’t mind ‘bestial’ in the title, it’s not bestiality, it’s actually fluff.
One-shot. PG.

Of Mice and Men by stillaseeker
Summary:  Behold! … Fluffy!Draco!
My Warnings:  Owl!Draco, GEN
Length:  one-shot

Remus Lupin, Severus Snape

The Frog Prince by busaikko
Summary:  “Ribbit,” Severus said impatiently.
Warnings: Animal transformation, double drabble, crack
My Warnings/Opinion:  Snupin fluff, kiss, Frog!Snape (not really animagi, but since it’s a drabble, meh).  Funny.
Length:  200 words

Rec Lists

Lira_Snape’s “Animagus List – Part 1” – I’ll leave it to you to find part 2 (which is largely the same as part 1, only . . . not)

Painless_j’s “Themed List – Animals

Sophia84’s “Pets

Rossi/Reid Pairings

I’m separating out the Rossi/Reid pairings from my Rossi – Other Pairings post because I’ve got enough of them now to make their own post.


And the Walls Came Tumbling Down by ilovetvalot
Summary:  When Reid receives an unexpected Christmas phone call from his father, can Rossi help him over come his demons to concentrate on what’s important? Mild Slash.

Blame Emily by Dysperdis
Summary: Reid/Rossi PWP. “Really, I blame Prentiss for this entire situation.”
My Warnings: Needs a beta, PWP, hand job, first person

Daddy Dave by seditionary
Summary:  During an intimate moment, Rossi asks Reid to call him “Daddy.” Kink Meme entry.
Warnings:  Slash, sex, language, bottom!Reid, Daddy kink
Rating:  M

The Effect of Pink Panty Droppers on Dyed-In-The-Wool Nerds by innerslytherin and severity_softly
Summary: Sometimes Spencer didn’t stay to drink with Dave when the team wound up at the Auld Dubliner. But sometimes, like tonight, he did.
Rating: NC-17, FRAO
My Warnings: Blow jobs, fingering, Virgin!Reid (he’s still a virgin at the end, drat! Well, at least in terms of having a cock up his ass lol)

Guy Walks Into A Bar by darkhawkhealer
Summary: A guy walks into a bar. Smut ensues.
My Warnings: D/s, Bottom!Reid, blow jobs

The Late Night Confession by ilovetvalot
Summary: Written for Prompt #6 of TV Prompt Challenge: Spongebob Squarepants “Night Light”. In the depths of night, Reid confides one of his greatest fears to an unlikely source.

Leader of the Army, AKA F is for Family by Kuria Dalmatia
Summary:  When Diana Reid dies, Dave finds himself in charge of funeral arrangements. SLASH, ONE-SHOT. Established relationship. Part of the Alphabet Meme 2 Challenge.
My opinion: 
Total awesomeness

Rossi’s Desire by 68luvcarter
Summary:  Rossi finds more than he bargained for when he has a pool party. Trying something a little different.

Shattered Wounds by Arcturus-Sinclair
Summary:  Set during the Hypnosis scene in Memoriam. Reid sees something about his past that terrifies him. Who’s the one there to pick up the pieces? The legendary David Rossi. Slight slash, nothing too bad, though.

When the Heart Decides by peagoose6
Summary:  David Rossi returns to the BAU and finds romance where he leasts expects it. Rated M for later chapters. SLASH Gets Lemony after chapter 65, hot lemons scattered throughout.
My Warnings: Blow jobs, masturbation, wet dreams, first time, eventual sex?  This fic had over 165K when I first posted it here (June 2011) and it wasn’t done yet; so who knows?
My Opinion: Author is moving ridiculously slowly in developing the relationship.  Seriously, anal sex is not that complex.

Who’s With Reid? by lastcrazyhorn
Summary: So, WHO ended up rooming with Reid while they were in Alaska? Here are eight different scenarios of possible answers. Every Reid pairing, just because I wanted to see if I could do it. Re/H, Re/Ro, Re/P, Re/JJ, Re/Ga, Re/M, Re/Gi, Re/Elle, Threesome DP
Warnings: Anal Sex, First Time, Non Consensual, Dubious Consent, Dream Sex, Double Penetration, Blow Jobs, Het and Slash, Missing Scene, Nightmares, Hand Jobs, Mutual Masturbation, Threesome – M/M/M

Chapter 2 is Reid/Rossi, and then chapter 8 is Reid/Rossi/Hotch.

“What did you just call me?” by Anonymous
My Warnings: Daddy kink

Star Trek – McCoy/Kirk

For whatever reason, everyone likes to pair these two together and shove Spock with Uhura.  Now, I’m not condemning those who ship Spock/Uhura, I’m just saying that I wish there were more shippers of Spock with Kirk or McCoy.


Crashing on the Shore of You by severinne
Summary:  It’s the first day of shore leave at Bones’ old family home, and Jim is already bored.
Warnings: Established relationship, domestic, dirty talk
My Warnings/Opinion:  Bottom!Kirk

Guh.  This is a keeper.

Just The Same But Brand New by starsandgraces
Summary:  Seeing Jim from a different angle changes the way McCoy sees himself.
Warnings:  Breathplay
My Warnings:  Bottom!McCoy

Mission Mishaps, or How McCoy Ended up with Tentacles by vamplover82
Summary:  A mishap on a mission leaves McCoy feeling insecure about himself; Kirk sets out to change this.
Warnings:  Tentacles, transformation, anal sex, hand jobs, blow jobs
My Warnings/Opinion:  Bottom!Kirk

Quite hot.

More Than Meets the Eye by silverraven
Summary:  In which assumptions are made and chair!sex is had
Warnings:  First time
My Warnings:  Bottom!Kirk, mutual masturbation, blow jobs, frottage

One Time Spock Walked In On Bones and Kirk Having Sex, and Five Times He Didn’t by hoosierbitch
Summary:  According to the TOS Enterprise schematics, the captain and first officer share a bathroom.
Warnings:  Spock/Nyota Uhura, rough sex, angst, friendship, mind meld, humor
My Warnings:  Bottom!Kirk, marking

That first one is uber hot.  The rest is just funny.

Favorite quote:

“That’s what I said,” Kirk replied, before smacking Spock in the posterior with a towel.

“This is not my life,” McCoy said with a groan.

Pastel by skyblue_reverie
Summary:  Umm, Bones gets whammied with sex pollen and hot manlovings ensue? :D?
Warnings:  First time, sex pollen
My Warnings/Opinion:  Hand jobs, blow jobs

Favorite quote:  “Bones, I haven’t been with anyone in at least eight months. It was part of my long-term strategy. I had a whole plan. There were diagrams and everything. I knew you wouldn’t take me seriously until I’d proved that I could keep it in my pants.”

Pierced by vamplover82
Summary:  Kirk comes back from an away mission with his ear pierced. Things sort of spiral out of control from there.
Warnings:  Piercing, anal sex
My Warnings/Opinion:  This fic amuses me.  Dirty talk (a bit), BottomMcCoy

“Damn it, Jim, I’m a doctor, not a body modification specialist. Just because I have the knowledge required to do it doesn’t mean I should.”

Something New by Thistlerose
Summary:  Jim would like to try something new. Bones has no objections.
Warnings:  Rimming, felching, fingerfucking
My Warnings:  Bottom!McCoy

Steal my Breath by tresa_cho
Summary:  McCoy plays with Jim in the therapeutic spa.
Warnings:  bondage, breathplay, water sex, D/s, submersion bondage
My Warnings/Opinion:  Bottom!Kirk, auto-erotic asphyxiation

Woof.  Definitely have a thing for asphyxiation fics.

This Time by lady_krysis
Summary:  “I’ve got nothing left to say/Just take me away.”
Warnings: Anal sex, rough sex
My Warnings:  Bottom!Kirk

The Trouble With Bubbles by dvswraatins
Prompt:  Every male on the bridge is simultaneously impregnated… by Uhura (and not through sex, because that would be somewhat difficult).  I want smug!Uhura, an embarrassed bridge crew (including a few no-names or redshirts, even), and Scotty and Bones just being pretty much speechless whenever they see them.  And one slash pairing, which can be Chekov/Sulu, Chekov/McCoy, Kirk/McCoy, or if none of those tickle your fancy Spock/Kirk.
My Warnings:  Crackfic (but good).   Amusing as hell.  Mpreg

Where Your Eye Won’t Hit Me by severinne
Summary:  Bones is fed up with Jim’s recklessness. Jim doesn’t mind if it means more of this.
Warnings:  PWP, BDSM, blindfolds, bondage, angst, hurt/comfort
My Warnings:  Bottom!McCoy

Criminal Minds – Aaron Hotchner – Other Pairings

Other pairings aside from Hotch/Reid.  I decided to split that post because of how many Hotch/Reid fics I had vs. how few I had of others.


(I don’t like Reid/Morgan much, but I like it when they’re all together.  Meh)

A Pair of Jokers by seditionary
Summary:  Hotch, Reid and Morgan are on a long drive and need to stop for the night. Hotch discovers something he’s not sure he wanted to know about his two special agents.
Warnings:  Slash, naughty goings-on.
My Warnings:  Not a threesome really, more like accidental voyeurism; anal, Bottom!Reid, masturbation

Change My Needs by JustJasper
Summary:  For Kink Meme IV: Hotch and Reid invite Morgan for a threesome to cuckold Hotch. Smut.
My Warnings:  Bottom!Reid, needs a beta (fun with tenses, ahem), a little OOC, ridiculously hot.  Mostly Reid/Morgan, but established Hotch/Reid, Voyeur!Hotch

Royalty Has Its Privileges by seditionary
Summary:  Silly AU inspired by the Royal Wedding. Hotch is a prince whose father Rossi, lol is making him choose a bride, but he’s more interested in his two courtiers, Morgan and Reid.
Warnings:  Smut! Slash, crackish, m/m sex, threesome.
My Warnings:  Kinda ridiculous, but fun.

Sex Ed (“Three is Company” is new title) by AhmoseInarus
Summary:  REQUEST FROM EMRI-MAY–When hotel room key cards get mixed up, Hotch finds himself walking in on Morgan and Reid engaged in unexpected activities. But even more unexpected, Morgan talks Hotch into joining in… and it wasn’t hard to do so, either. H/M/R
My Warnings:  Blow jobs, dirty talk, anal, fluff, double penetration (DP), Bottom!Reid


A Moment of Weakness by Arcturus-Sinclair
Summary: Hotch beds with Morgan after a long case, and Morgan’s dream causes him to act on some…hidden feelings. This is Slash! Also, rated M for a reason.
My Warnings: Hand jobs, dub-con? (kinda), masturbation

Deadly Intent by Ice_Prince1
Summary: Twin fic with Not my Intention, this time Hotch’s POV, pwp
Warnings: Slash, Anal Sex, No Redeeming Social Value, PWP
My Warnings: Bottom!Hotch (whoo!)

The Everything Man by IrishCreamTruffle
Summary:  SLASH. Derek Morgan and Aaron Hotchner – Hotch . Hotch: “No one should expect to get a lot of sleep for the next three days.” Rated for adult content.
My Warnings:  Mutual masturbation, blow jobs


Who’s With Reid? by lastcrazyhorn
Summary:  So, WHO ended up rooming with Reid while they were in Alaska? Here are eight different scenarios of possible answers. Every Reid pairing, just because I wanted to see if I could do it.
Warnings:  Re/H, Re/Ro, Re/P, Re/JJ, Re/Ga, Re/M, Re/Gi, Re/Elle, Threesome DP
My Warnings:  This fic is so wonderfully versatile.  Ch8 is Hotch/Rossi/Reid.  Hand jobs, nightmares, rimming, Bottom!Reid

Now THAT’S An Unexpected Request by lastcrazyhorn
Summary:  The fifth installment of lastcrazyhorn’s “Now” series. As a 29 year old virgin, Spencer has more than a few things he wants to try out in the bedroom. But who will he trust to have that first experience with?
Warnings:Established Relationship, Slash, Anal Sex, Felching, Threesome – M/M/M, First Time, Loss of Virginity, Age Difference, Blow Jobs, Skinny Dipping, Bottom!Rossi, bottom!Reid, Alternate Universe, Dirty Talk

Hotch/Reid/John Blackwolf

Fortune Cookies by Stacy L.A. Stronach (Slash_girl)
My Warnings:  Bottom!Hotch, blow jobs

Hotch/John Blackwolf

The Same Place by Tigerlady (shetiger)
Summary:  There is an old Apache saying: You can take many paths to get to the same place.
Warnings:  Infidelity, First Time, Episode Related
My Warnings:  Bottom!Hotch

A Road, Long and Winding by Tigerlady (shetiger)
Summary:  Finalizing the divorce has left Hotch adrift and dangerously unfocused. When a case brings the BAU back to New Mexico, he finds himself thinking about an old acquaintance–and maybe, taking some time to sort out all the stuff in his head.
Warnings:  Episode Related
My Warnings:  Bottom!Blackwolf

Hotch/Reid, Hotch/Gideon, Morgan/Gideon

Released and Bound by slashgirl
Summary:  Gideon gives Hotch what he needs…even Reid.
Warnings:  Bondage, Dom/Sub
My Warnings:  Bottom!Hotch


Acid and Baby Oil by tbird1965
Summary: While looking for an unsub, Hotch and Emily are accidently covered in a caustic acid powder that begins to eat away their clothing. The cure? Baby oil. HAVE FUN.
Warnings:  Rated M for Mature, naked, oily smutty adult fun.
My Warnings:  het!!!  Ridiculous situations.

Hotch/Prentiss, Jack

A Letter to Santa by chiroho
Summary:  TV Show Episode Title Challenge – December – One Tree Hill: Please, Please, Please, Let me Get What I Want – Hotch and Jack have a little father/son time one evening. No spoilers, but set some time after ‘100’. Oneshot.
My Warnings:  Cuteness.  Life with Jack.


Man or Machine? by tbird1965
Summary:  Ashley Seaver’s a little frighened of her intense, stoic new boss. To her he seems more like a machine then a man. Will her opionion change when she catches him engaging in a very human and very private act. Rated M for MATURE.
Warnings:  Masturbation, voyeurism

This is the first of a series; so if you liked it, you might consider looking at the author’s profile and continue reading.

Criminal Minds – NCIS Crossover


What He Wants by lastcrazyhorn
Summary:  When a serial rapist attacks a naval petty officer, the BAU suddenly finds themselves sharing their case with a team from the NCIS. Three shot. Almost PWP. Slash. All the good stuff. 🙂 Gibbs/Hotch
Warnings:  Slash, Anal Sex, First Time, Crossover, Top!Gibbs, Bottom!Hotch, Rimming, Blow Jobs
My Warning:  Rare pairing (seriously; people do not write this pairing, for whatever reason), shower sex (ish)

Criminal Minds – Aaron Hotchner/Spencer Reid

Hmm.  Well, since Rotch is already accounted for, I suppose I should cover Hotch/Reid.  Oh and these are all consensual.  All others are here.


A Kiss Is… by bowie28
Summary:  For a Renaissance man such as Dr. Reid, a kiss can mean a lot of things. *Hotch/Reid slash*
My Warnings:  fluff, nifty concept, angst

A Little Crazy by KoolJack1
Summary:  Slash, you’ve been warned. Post-Corazon On the plane ride home, Reid’s headaches get worse.
My Warnings:  frottage, angst, needs a betaish, WIP, life with Jack

All This Will Pass by recrudescence
Summary:  Written for Ubervirgin for the CM fic exchange. Prompt: Garcia and Prentiss go out and are surprised to find Reid and Hotch on a date…and engaged in heavy PDAs.
Warnings:  Public sex, voyeurism, dirty talk
My Opinion:  Holy.  Friggin’.  Wow.

A Rock and A Hard Place by Rushlight
Summary: Reid and Hotch are kidnapped during the course of an investigation.
My Warnings: Kidnapping, attempted non-con, language, bottom!Reid (i.e. happy ending)

Auld Lang Syne by AhmoseInarus
Summary:  Next in the H/R series! After spending Christmas together in Santa Fe, Hotch and Reid are back in Quantico. But they don’t have to go back to work yet. It’s time for the Bureau’s New Years Ball! And the fun that comes after… SLASH!
My Warnings: 
public sex (ish), orgasm delay/denial, bottom!Reid, masturbation, blow jobs, begging (a little)

Behavioral Analysis K9 Unit by AhmoseInarus
Summary:  Garcia has a drunken dream involving the team as dogs. Still Reid-centric even though it’s Garcia’s dream. Just something goofy, not to be taken seriously. Just for fun. See if YOU think I matched breeds with the characters well! Warnings:  H/R Fluff

Beyond The . . . by Kuria Dalmatia
Summary:  Aaron just has to ‘get over it.’ He knows that their relationship isn’t based on sex, but thanks to years of doing what he does for a living, he knows that it plays a pretty damn big part. Sex is about trust.
Rating/Warnings: Oh, so FRAO/NC-17, includes the use of sex toys. Mild d/s. (graphic sexual situations, profanity, adult content)
My Warnings/Opinion:  Masturbation, vulnerable Hotch

Oh god, this was crazy hot.

Broken Pieces by Moony3003
Summary:  Gideon has left, leaving Reid only with a goodbye letter. Feeling shattered and alone, Reid goes to Hotch for answers.
Warning: contains graphic slash. Don’t like, don’t read.
My Warnings:  Technically adultery, given that Hotch is still married; bottom!Reid, first time, angst

Calypso Coffee by Arcturus-Sinclair
Summary:  What happens when Reid lets Morgan pick his drink? Well, Reid is very dominant when drunk.
Warnings:  Includes: Light bondage, Dom!Reid, alcohol use. Rated M for a reason. I own nothing.
My Warnings:  Frottage, anal, Bottom!Hotch (whoo!), first time, blow jobs, orgasm delay/denial, begging (a little)

Chapstick by CMAli 1
Summary:  Sometimes, life requires a salvation. He is Aaron’s.
My Warnings:  Bottom!Reid, PWP

Close by recrudescence
Summary:  No one ever thinks of Reid as being particularly well-adapted, but Aaron believes in giving due credit. He isn’t sure he would be able to serve as a functioning member of society if he were incapable of forgetting.
Warnings:  Kink meme
My Warnings:  Cross dressing, intimate . . . it’s not what you think, either.  *grin*

Conditional Absolution by starofoberon
Summary:  Post-“Omnivore”- in the “Home Demonstration” universe, Hotch comes to ask Reid for the help that only he can give to deal with Aaron’s guilt.
Warnings:  Rated for somewhat graphic physical and psychological violence. NO slash. COMPLETE

Crossfire by Amazanda
Summary:  Slash: Hotch/Reid: The beginning has to start from somewhere. When Hotch looked at Reid, his eyes were opened to the truth around him. Watch as these two agents make it through the first season.
Length:  53K
Rating:  M

Donor by Fabrisse
Summary: Reid’s been kidnapped. Hotch does his best to buy him time for the rest of the team to get there.
Warnings: dub con (for both Hotch and Reid)
My Warnings/Opinion: violence, detective work, eugenics, orgasm with an audience
Rating: E (Explicit)

Dream Distortion by skye-hunter
Summary:  Reid has a dream that he can neither forget nor understand. This is slash with Reid and a male lover…it’s not overly graphic, I don’t think, but I wish to give fair warning
My Warnings:  Dream sex, hot, Bottom!Reid

Early Meeting by PhantomDaae1981
Summary:  Hotch calls Reid into the office for some private adult fun. Inspired by Reid’s statement during the Season 6 finale, when he said it had been three years and eight months since Hotch had called a meeting so early.
Warnings:  Slash, Hotch/Reid. Basically PWP.
My Warnings:  Blow jobs, first time, Bottom!Reid, anal, desk sex

Engendered by SevenCorvus
Summary:  It was all Garcia’s fault he thought.
Warnings:  cross dressing, ficlet, GenSlash, m/m, Preslash, PWP, Romance, sexual references, slash
My Warnings/Opinion:  Lovely mental images.

The Evidence of Things Not Seen by travelinthedark
Summary:  It usually goes like this: they have a bad case, Aaron goes to Spencer’s apartment, Spencer lets Aaron fuck him, Aaron leaves and they don’t talk about it.
My Warnings:  Bottom!Reid

Falling In Love Is Hard To Do by Arcturus-Sinclair
Summary:  Hotch sings to Reid, a plan Garcia was in on. How does that go over? Slash, rate M for a reason. This is for AhmoseInarus for Chit Chat on Author’s Corner, as a part of the Valentine’s Gift Fic Exchange. Second Version with same prompts.
My Warnings:  Anal, Bottom!Reid, first time

Following a Bright Shiny Thing by travelinthedark
Summary: Wherein Reid feels like 6th grade girl, the girls squee from time to time, and there are little blue drinks.
My Warnings/Opinion: Alcohol, kisses, no details but they do finally get together
Length: 5.5k
Rating: T (Teens and up)

The Great Alphabet Meme Hotch,Reid Version by Kuria Dalmatia
Summary: A series of stories inspired by letters of the alphabet prompts on my LJ. This is the Hotch/Reid set.
My Warnings:  Romance, language, Jack

Illative Illocution by recrudescence
Summary:  Writting for Ubervirgin for the CM fic exchange. Prompt: Reid is finally introduced to Hotch’s brother, Sean, as “the boyfriend.”
My Warnings:  coming out, awkward situations

The Lash by seditionary
Summary:  Continuation of “Without Reid.” Hotch has a B/D relationship with Reid. This is their night together after Reid returns from Vegas.
Warnings:  Contains infliction of pain and m/m sex; slash. Oh, and Reid on a motorcycle.
My Warnings:  blow job, Bottom!Hotch, whip

Lost in the Stacks by travelinthedark
Summary:  “I’m a nerd,” Spencer murmurs against Aaron’s skin, “a library fantasy shouldn’t come as a surprise.”
My Warnings:  PDA

Love Notes by Kathi1C
Summary:  Someone is sending Spencer notes for Valentine’s Day. Written for Seditionary for the Valentine’s Day gift exchange. Note the rating change
My Warnings:  first time, blow jobs, dirty talk

Mile High Inside by seditionary
Summary:  Hotch and Reid join the Mile High Club sex on a plane!
Slash, sex, naughty words. Another Kink Meme entry.
My Warnings: 
Bottom!Reid, public sex (ish)

Nightmare by AhmoseInarus
Summary: Follows “The Hunted” in the H/R series – Just as the title says, Reid has a nightmare that scares him more than a nightmare has scared him in a LONG time. The team is there to comfort him when he wakes.
Warnings: H/R fluff
Rating: T
My Opinion: Aww.

No Longer Routine by Kuria Dalmatia
Summary:  In this new relationship he has with Spencer, Aaron can usually predict what’s going to happen next. He likes that aspect, honestly. It gives him a sense of security. But the smile is a change. -SLASH, FRAO. Please read warnings.
Rating/Warnings: FRAO/NC-17 (smut ahoy!, Graphic sex, adult content, profanity)
My Warnings:  blow jobs, masturbation, dom!Reid, fingering

On the Dotted Line by writing2death
Summary:  “What are you doing?” Reid smiles against his neck, “I’m tracing my name,” he says.
My Warnings: chills, short, sweet

Pathetic by meiflower
Summary:  It hurt and it felt good and it was all so pathetic. Set at the end of “LDSK.”
Warnings:  Reid/Hotch masturbation, sexual themes, yaoi (Um, not really)

Pianissimo by morejoyful
Summary:  A case at a music conservatory causes Hotch to see Reid in a whole new light. Written for Criminal Minds kink meme IV; prompt inside.
Warnings:  Graphic sex.
My Warnings: 
Imaginary sex, Bottom!Reid

Quickie by Stacy LA Stronach (slashgirl)
Summary:  PWP and the title sums it up.
My Warnings:  Bottom!Reid, desk sex, blow jobs

Restraint by Stacy LA Stronach (slashgirl)
Summary:  Hotch and Reid in a storage closet.
My Warnings:  Bottom!Reid, voyeur (Gideon – surprised?  Yeah, I’m not either).

Snowbound by Fabrisse
Summary:  During the recent snowstorms in the DC area, Reid has to stay with Hotch.
My Warnings:  life with Jack, mutual masturbation

Snowed In by AhmoseInarus
Summary:  SLASH! Due to a weather advisory warning, Hotch takes a very drunk Reid home with him. They end up trapped in his house all weekend long, holed up in his bedroom by the fireplace. Things happen in that room that neither of them had ever expected.
My Warnings:  Bottom!Reid, first time

Our Secret by AhmoseInarus
Summary:  Sequel to Snowed In – SLASH H/R – Just a short story about Hotch and Reid’s relationship continuing to bloom. The pair decide that they would like to wear a symbol of their love and devotion to each other, even if it can never be seen by anyone else.
My Warnings:  Bottom!Reid

Strawberries and Champagne by Arcturus-Sinclair
Summary:  This is for AhmoseInarus for Chit Chat on Author’s Corner, as a part of the Valentine’s Gift Fic Exchange. This IS SLASH! Hotch decides to take Reid to his house, instead of the other way around for Valentine’s day, but things don’t go as planned.
My Warnings:  blow jobs, Bottom!Reid, a little fluffy

Taking the Lead by Fabrisse
Summary:  While Morgan is recuperating, Hotch and Reid take a case in Eugene, Oregon.  Case fic.
My Warnings/Opinion: Bottom!Hotch, first time, blow job (sort of)

Very small complaint:  I don’t think Aaron would ever use the word “butt” – even if it is a description by the author about a sensation that he is feeling.

Tattered by seditionary
Summary:  A quiet weekend leads to some naughty goings on-and a happy realization-for Spencer and Hotch. Set after “100.” Established relationship.
Warnings: slash, sex, and language! And, fluff. One shot.
My Warnings:  blow jobs

Telephone by AhmoseInarus
Summary:  H/R series,follows Lost In the Shadows-The team goes on a case, but Reid is called to Vegas regarding his mother. Once the issue is resolved, He returns to Quantico, but the team is still on the case and Hotch misses Reid, so he gives him a call… PWP
My Warnings:  Phone sex

Thunderstorm by Moony3003
Summary:  Hotch receives a surprise visit during a thunderstorm.
Warnings: Contains graphic slash. Don’t like, don’t read.
My Warnings:  Reid/OC abusive relationship, domestic violence, Bottom!Reid

Time to Go by Fabrisse
Kink: Sex on furniture
Prompt: He knew he wouldn’t be able to look at his desk ever the same again after what they’d just done, but right then, he didn’t care
My Warnings:  Bottom!Hotch, blow jobs, desk sex, dom!Reid

Too Close by theLovethief
Summary:  Tonight he’d almost died. And they both knew that it could always happen again. Anywhere, anytime…Set after season 4 finale.
Warnings:  SLASH Hotch/Reid.
My Warnings:  Reid with a backbone!  Hand jobs

Triggers & Ties 1, 2, 3 & 4 by Kuria Dalmatia
Summary:  It wasn’t fair to Reid to compare to Haley – something Aaron told himself every time they were together – but he found himself unable to stop.
Warnings: ADULT CONTENT. RE-POSTED in chapter format for Parts 1-4.
My Warnings:  blow jobs, depression, finger fucking, bottom!Reid

“Oh sure, I’m sore,” he replied with an expression that could put Morgan’s shit-eating grin to shame. “But I’m sore in that, ‘I fucked Aaron Hotchner until he came screaming my name before he passed out’ kind of sore.” He let out a laugh as he trailed fingers up Aaron’s chest. “I’m good with that.”

Triggers & Ties 8: Eggshells by Kuria Dalmatia
Summary:  It was an insight about victims that Aaron Hotchner never wanted to have: returning to the living space where one had been brutally attacked.
Warnings:  Hotch/Reid, the BAU ADULT CONTENT
My Warnings:  No sex, angst, stress, PTSD, post Foyet

Triggers & Ties 11: Evolution by Kuria Dalmatia
Summary:  From the way Aaron leaned forward, crowding into Spencer’s personal space, Spencer knew that things had finally—finally—changed. – Part 11 in the “Triggers & Ties” universe. Slash.
My Warnings: post-Foyet, mutual masturbation, vulnerable Hotch, life with Jack, a little fluff

Trust by Moony3003
Summary:  After putting himself in harm’s way, Reid receives a fitting punishment from his boss.
Warnings:  Rated M. Contains graphic slash and spanking. Don’t like, don’t read.
My Warnings:  Blow jobs, Bottom!Reid

Ultimatums » by Kuria Dalmatia, Collaboration with CMAli!
Summary:  “I’ve already told him, Rossi. This is it. This is the last straw.” For 6 years, Hotch and Reid have kept their relationship quiet. Reid decides it’s been too long.
My Warnings:  dom!Reid, pissed off Reid, sex toys, orgasm delay, Bottom!Hotch, dom/sub

Vegas, Baby by Fabrisse
My Warnings:  Bottom!Reid, blow jobs

Vices by bird and bullet
Aaron Hotchner had always had vices, but he’d never remembered having one quite this strong… Hotch/Reid. now a twoshot! jack fic
My Warnings: 
needs a betaish (just a little), first time, cravings, Bottom!Reid

The Walls Have Eyes by archangeladdict
Summary: Someone’s watching. And two profilers must obey the orders of the allseeing eyes…
My Warnings: Outside coercion, so at first appearance, it’s non-con, but then more like dub-con, and then it’s really rather exhibitionist really and consensual. Bottom!Reid

Who’s With Reid? by lastcrazyhorn
Summary:  So, WHO ended up rooming with Reid while they were in Alaska? Here are eight different scenarios of possible answers. Every Reid pairing, just because I wanted to see if I could do it.
Warnings:  Re/H, Re/Ro, Re/P, Re/JJ, Re/Ga, Re/M, Re/Gi, Re/Elle, Threesome DP
My Warnings:  This fic is so wonderfully versatile.  Ch1 is Reid/Hotch.  Hand jobs.  Dom!Reid (ish). 🙂

WORK OUT by AhmoseInarus
Summary:  H/R Series after Lost In the Shadows – The team decides to go to the gym at the FBI Academy to have some fun in the sparring circles. Reid is less than enthusiastic, but he has fun when he and Hotch get home. SLASH
My Warnings/Opinion:  Bottom!Reid, PDA

I can’t help but be fond of this one.

Criminal Minds/X-Files Crossover

The Second X File by AhmoseInarus
Summary:  The team is called in on a serial rapist. Once they arrive and see all the evidence, Reid comes to the conclusion that they are dealing with an Incubus. They call in Mulder and Scully, but then Reid becomes a victim…
Warnings:  H/R, R/OMCUnSub non-con
My Opinion:  I’m not exactly sure why I like this one.  Probably has something to do with my past association as an X-phile.

Rating/Warnings: Oh, so FRAO/NC-17, includes the use of sex toys. Mild d/s. (graphic sexual situations, profanity, adult content)

Criminal Minds-Rossi, Other Pairings


Now has its own section.


5 Kisses by spoodle monkey
Summary:  MorganRossi Slash 5 Kisses Rated for some mature content
My Warnings:  angst, hurt/comfort, frottage

Dibs by SunnyinOregon
Summary:  Garcia called dibs on Morgan and Dave’s pissed. Mild slash
My Warnings:  Jealousy

Late Night Escapades by Arcturus-Sinclair
Summary:  Morgan and Rossi bed together. Normal, right? Not when Morgan’s still awake at four am and reading a dirty mag. Oh, the possibilities are endless! Rated M for a reason, and SLASH. I own nothing!
My Warnings:  First time, dirty talk, Bottom!Rossi

Outside, looking in by Timekpr
Summary:  Spencer is used to being on the outside, looking in. Rossi/Morgan from Reid’s PoV. Also Rossi/Reid, possibly Morgan/Rossi/Reid if the muse holds true. Slash.
My Warnings:  Masturbation, WIP

Romantics by Spoodle Monkey
Summary:  Rossi tries to do something romantic and ends up kidnapped. RossiMorgan slash

Seducing the Senses by Wheretheskykissesthesea
Summary:  In which Rossi and Morgan apply their senses to each other. Slash
Rating:  M

The True Meaning by Spoodle Monkey
Summary:  Rossi’s Christmas with the BAU, some holiday cheer, an impromptu party and the chance for something more. Rossi/Morgan, Hotch/Reid, Garcia/Kevin

The WakeUp Call by ilovetvalot
Summary: Pure Smut and Slash. Be warned! This has earned its “M” rating. Derek gives Rossi a wake-up call that he’ll never forget.
My Warnings: Blow jobs

Ashley Seaver/David Rossi

Once She’s Gone by Arcturus-Sinclair
Summary:  After the loss of an agent, Rossi loses his self control and drowns his sorrows in the arms of another agent. Their one act could be enough to damn them both. I own nothing, rated M for a reason
My Warnings/Opinion:  I’m oddly loyal to Seaver (Rachel Nichols), age difference