I'm sort of picky when it comes to fanfiction.

Posts tagged ‘established relationship’

Asexual Faves

Hey, I’m alive!  Trying to update the lists here.  Don’t be surprised if you find something new.

Batman ‘verse

Hugging Batman is a Bad Idea by alienfairyprincess
Summary: An adventure involving two villains, three heroes, and at least one hungry pitcher plant. Some cute fluff with Harley and Ivy, Batman getting hugs, etc.. Inspired by Batman the Animated Series.

This is going to follow my own personal headcanon of Poison Ivy being asexual and just being brilliant at weaponizing the fact that people (often men) choose to sexualize her anyways. *shrugs shoulders* the plant jokes are just too good, sorry
Pairing:  Pamela Isley/Harleen Quinzel
Warnings: Asexual Character, Batman the animated series – Freeform, Cute gays, Occasional swearing, Harley loves kissing people, Ivy is used to weaponizing affection, lots of hugging, Batman needs hugs too ok, Just probablyyy preferably not from Poison Ivy, I don’t know all the canon stuff so if i messed up these characters forgive me, Canon Disabled Character, be gay do crime, Batfamily (DCU)
My notes:  crack, anyone?

The Most Terrifying Thing by  for Goodluckdetective (scorpiontales)
Summary:  Tim has a secret he has been keeping, one that he feels even he only barely understands. He’s worried what others are able to accept, of how it may change things. He just doesn’t want anyone to know.
Warnings:  Accidental Outing, Asexual Character, Hurt/Comfort

Doctor Who

An Odd Pair by stcrmpilot
Summary:  Donna realizes that her friendship with the Doctor (10) doesn’t look quite like the ones she’s used to.
Warnings:  Gen Work, Light Angst, Humor, Fluff, Platonic Cuddling, Alien Cultural Differences, Alien Gender/Sexuality, Miscommunication, Asexual Doctor (Doctor Who), Aromantic Doctor (Doctor Who)

Does Spooning Work as Superglue? by AngelCuttingOnions
Summary:  Jack and the Doctor were there when one of them needed to feel something besides numbness or pain. They’d seen too much, their eyes showing every hurt, every failure, every heartbreak they’d ever had.
Pairing:  Ninth Doctor/Jack Harkness
Warnings:  Asexual Doctor (Doctor Who), Angst, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Hurt/Comfort, Asexual Character

Harry Potter ‘verse

Ain’t Got That Sex Appeal by Tobalerone
Summary:  Harry’s boyfriend, Tom Riddle, loves to see Harry naked—can get aroused from just a bit of exposed skin. Harry can’t quite understand it.
Pairing:  Harry Potter/Tom Riddle
Warnings:  Asexual!Harry, Established Relationship, Alternate Universe – Modern Setting, Sexual Content, Fooling Around in the Shower, Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot, Hand Jobs

Best Friends, of course by AKAwestruck
Summary:  After a bewildering interaction with Hermione, Harry learns that some people think romance is important. Luckily, Snape does not.
Short snippets of a world in which almost none of the Harry Potter plot is relevant.
Pairing:  Harry Potter/Severus Snape
Warnings:  Asexual Character, Aromantic Character, Queerplatonic Relationships, Snippets, Alternate Universe – Forget Canon, Age Difference

The Detentions, Or, Five Times Severus Snape Caught Charlie Weasley After Curfew (And One Time He Didn’t) by afinch
Summary:  Snape looks at Charlie and sees a lot of himself.
Charlie looks at Snape and finds an unlikely friend.
Pairing:  Severus Snape/Charlie Weasley
Warnings:  Asexual Character, Asexuality, Asexual Relationship, 5 Times, Pre-Relationship, Pre-Canon, Canon Compliant, Rare Male Slash Exchange 2017, Treat Fic, Pre-Goblet of Fire, Bullying

Something New by Nahiel
Summary:  With his children now at adulthood and his marriage to Ginny Weasley over, Harry is ready to start over as Hogwarts’ new Defense Against Dark Arts professor. He’s convinced that he’s going to live his life alone but Neville isn’t so sure that’s what’s actually going to happen. Neither quite understand their sexualities, but can they make things work together?
Pairing:  Neville Longbottom/Harry Potter
Warnings:  Asexual Harry, Asexual Neville, Divorce
Length:  41,525

Teen Wolf

An Act of Caring by Mysenia
Summary: Release may be the end goal but the act itself meant so much more.
Pairing:  Peter Hale/Stiles Stilinski
Warnings:  Asexual Character, Asexual Peter Hale, Fluff and Smut, Daddy Kink

Better Than Sex by SushiOwl
Summary: Peter likes Stiles. But Stiles has a secret he’s sure will ruin everything. It’s the end of the world.
Pairing:  Peter Hale/Stiles Stilinski
Warnings:  Asexual Stiles Stilinski, Good Peter Hale, most or less, Sarcasm, Demons, Minor Injuries, is a broken bone minor?, we’ll say it is, Gift Giving, courting, references to old muscials, Caretaking, Caring Peter

Domestic Bliss and Other Nonsense by moonstalker24
Summary:  “So, I think we should get married.”

Peter chokes, fumbles for a second, then manages to set his mug of tea down on the coffee table. He turns to look at Stiles, who is sprawled over the end of the couch, flipping through an old book.

“What?” Peter asks.

Stiles turns bright amber eyes on the stunned werewolf. “We should get married.”


“So all the books can be in one place.”
Pairing:  Peter Hale/Stiles Stilinski
Warnings:  Asexual Character, Asexual Relationship, Asexual Stiles, Asexual Peter, domestic steter, Tooth-Rotting Fluff
My Notes:  Wonderful

Domestic Bliss and Rubber Ducks by moonstalker24
Summary:  Two years after getting married, Stiles and Peter Stilinski-Hale take on a new challenge because Scott is a little bit of a failwolf. Learning how to be parents and all the things that go with it.

Stiles melts into a gooey puddle that he will never admit to anyone, ever. Peter is asleep on his back, one arm trailing on on the floor, the other one is draped over the back of the tiniest person Stiles has ever been within three feet of. Dark brown curls and little pointed werewolf ears and two chests rising in tandem with each other.
Pairing:  Peter Hale/Stiles Stilinski
Warnings:  Asexual Stiles Stilinski, Asexual Character, Asexual Peter Hale, Werebabies, stiles and peters a+ parenting, Derek is a Failwolf, but we love him anyway, Learning to Parent, werewolf style, scott is a failwolf too, all the fluffies, just all the fuzzies

it’s not the color i came in by nezstorm
Summary:  Stiles is a bit of an anomaly among the Omegas he knows, or everyone on the spectrum really.  For him, heats are about comfort and safety, and not at all about sex.
Pairing:  Peter Hale/Stiles Stilinski
Warnings:  Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Omega Stiles Stilinski, Alpha Peter Hale, Asexual Stiles Stilinski, Alternate Universe – Library, Librarian Stiles, Good Peter Hale, Mating Cycles/In Heat, Humor, Fluff, Angst, Misunderstandings, courting, Food, Developing Relationship, Asexuality, Lekking, Allergies, sex repulsed character
My Notes:  *sniffles loudly*

Life Is What You Bake It by neglectedtuesday
Summary: “You’re not broken Mr. Stilinski, nor are you a freak,” Deaton says, reaching into a drawer and searching for something, “You are simply asexual.”

“Asexual?” The word tastes heavy in Stiles mouth but it doesn’t feel wrong.

“Asexuality is not uncommon in society,” Deaton continues, finding what he was looking for. Unsurprisingly it’s a pamphlet. “There are lots of omegas, betas and alphas are asexual or a form of asexuality. There are many chat forums and websites that cater specifically to asexuality. Obviously you will not be required to go to play-mating classes anymore and if you so wish you can remain off the suppressants.”

Stiles clutches the pamphlet in his hands. Asexual. Not broken, just asexual. It’s a word that Stiles can definitely get used to.
Pairing:  Peter Hale/Stiles Stilinski
Warnings: Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Alternate Universe – Bakery, Asexual Stiles Stilinski, Minor Allison Argent/Scott McCall, Baked Goods Galore, Omega Stiles Stilinski, Beta Peter Hale

The Parts Of Sex Pollen Fics That No One Wants To Admit Happens by Bam4Me
Summary: Sometimes, sex pollen doesn’t work like people want it to. Sometimes people won’t choose to get fucked over choosing to die. Sometimes, people are fine with that.
Warnings:  Sex Pollen, Sex Or Death, Stiles Chose Death, suicide talk, Suicide, kind of, Depression, Depressed Stiles, asexual!Stiles, Stiles Refuses To Be Raped To Survive
My Notes:  sad

smells like love by Areiton
Summary:  They smell like warm love and want.
That isn’t the problem.
The problem is they smell like sex.
Pairings:  Chris Argent/Peter Hale, Chris Argent/Peter Hale/Stiles Stilinski, Peter Hale/Stiles Stilinski, Chris Argent/Stiles Stilinski
Warnings:  Getting Together, Domestic Fluff, Established Relationship, Asexual Character, Relationship Negotiation, Werecreature Stiles Stilinski, First Kiss, Pining, Mutual Masturbation

Waiting for Pack by DiscontentedWinter, hisaribi
Summary:  This isn’t the first time Stiles has woken up in a different world.
This isn’t the first time that Peter has been caught in a place where time doesn’t exist.
Except this time they have each other.
Pairing: Peter Hale/Stiles Stilinski
Warnings: Asexual Stiles Stilinski, Magical Stiles Stilinski

Way Better Than Flowers by orphan_account
Summary: “So yeah, if you wanna date me, you can look forward to movie nights, homemade cookies, and absolutely no sex,” Stiles concludes, hope swelling in his chest as Derek gives him a thoughtful look. “Cuddling and forehead kisses are negotiable.”
Pairing:  Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski
Warnings:  Asexuality, Fluff, asexual!Stiles, asexual!Derek


Because why not. I’m rather fond of rare pairings, as you might have realized, and this is definitely one of my favorites.  I may add more to this later . . . as always.

A Job Well Done by PurpleFluffyCat
Summary: …“So that is why the very same February morning saw a large, rangy old tabby cat pad along the dungeon corridors with a piece of contraband between her pointy teeth…”
Warnings: Voyeurism, sexology
My Warnings: A kiss and a lot of funny.
Length: 2,793

A Turning Towards by Delphi
Summary: The only thing more dangerous than a bastard like Snape is the man who just wants to make him happy.
Warnings: Drama, Established Relationship, BDSM, Domestic Violence, Dubious Consent, Dysfunctional Relationships
My Warnings: Not sex but feeling. So much feeling.
Length: 1,531

The Conjugal State by Delphi
Summary: In which Albus Dumbledore makes an error, Severus Snape is certainly not married, and Argus Filch is the happiest man in the world.
Warnings: Romantic Comedy, Aphrodisiacs, Domestic, Forced Marriage
My Warnings: Bottom!Snape, Indulgent!Filch
Length: 6,696

Extracurricular by Delphi
Summary: When an illicit book comes into his life by chance, seventeen-year-old Severus Snape discovers sex magic (or the next best thing to it). He embarks on an experiment (for entirely academic purposes), enlisting the caretaker as an unsuspecting but eager test subject (for purely pragmatic reasons), only to find the results more interesting than even he hypothesized.
Warnings: Loss of Virginity, Sex Magic (kind of), Sexual Experimentation, Underage
My Warnings: Bottom!Snape and sucking and touching and everything nice.
Length: 13,186

Father to the Man by Delphi
Summary: A restricted spell goes awry, and Severus Snape is left scrambling to cover his tracks. Meanwhile, Argus Filch turns out to be surprisingly good with small children, the nature of time is proven to be fiddly and anyone’s guess, and (at least one) Severus gets a second chance at life.
Warnings: Drama, Families of Choice, Kid Fic, Time Travel, Parenthood, Childhood
My Warnings: AU and awesome and sweet.
Length: 20,231

The First Time by Delphi
Summary: “He told Mr. Filch he was a virgin…”
Warnings: Smut, Loss of Virginity
My Warnings: Virgin!Filch, Needy Severus
Length: 805

The Hand That’s Dealt by Regan_V
Summary: Filch might be a squib, but he was a pureblood.
My Warnings: Hand job, blow job
Length: 3,720

He’s Just a Little Fixer-Upper by chickenlivesinpumpkin
Summary: After Voldemort’s first defeat, Snape’s grief and guilt are overwhelming, and he starts thinking about ending it all. But there’s someone in the castle who’s been watching Snape since he was a child, someone determined to put him back together again.
Warnings: Anal Sex, Oral Sex, Suicidal Thoughts, First Time, First War with Voldemort, Dirty Talk, Rare Pairings, Loss of Virginity, Underage
My Warnings:
Length: 10,128

Intruder by Delphi
Summary: Peter Pettigrew breaks into Filch’s rooms to retrieve James’s confiscated Invisibility Cloak and ends up seeing something he shouldn’t.
Warnings: Smut, Established Relationship, POV Outsider, Voyeurism, Underage
My Warnings: Bottom!Snape
Length: 4,341

Needs Must by Delphi
Summary: “This isn’t so much an arrangement as it is…a state of affairs.” A slice of life from Severus’s first year teaching.
Warnings: Age Difference, Cross-Generation Relationship, Class Issues, Caretaking, Rough Sex, Implied Underage Attraction, Brief Underage Fantasy
My Warnings:
Length: 2,408

No Need for the Niceties by vissy
Summary: Written during the June 2006 round of the Pornish Pixies Fantasy Fest for hoskie, who requested Filch/Snape, when Filch is bandaging Snape’s leg (blowjob?), can include blood play (but doesn’t have to), with Harry watching.
My Warnings: blow job
Length: 3,285

Red Cars by Delphi
Summary: In which Severus discovers the power of sixteen and sex.
Warnings: Original Male Character, Smut, Loss of Virginity, Prostitution, Authority Figures
My Warnings: Bottom!Severus. Needy Severus with a side of desperately concerned Filch.
Length: 5,262

White Nights by Delphi
Summary: In which Severus is a sound sleeper and Argus wants points for attendance.
Warnings: Romance, Late at Night, Somnophilia
My Warnings: Bottom!Severus
Length: 2,375

Wrought-Iron by Delphi
Summary: Despite his aspirations and pretensions, there is only one place in the castle where Severus feels right.
Warnings: Drama, Class Issues, Loss of Virginity, Technology
My Warnings:
Length: 569

Daddy Kirk, Daddy Bones and/or Daddy Spock

I’ve been stuck on a reading trend for the past week or so; Star Trek fics where somehow one of the boys becomes a daddy.  And I do mean somehow.  I’ve mostly been reading mpreg, which is a definite surprise for me, considering how much I usually dislike it.  Well, seriously, some fandoms just need to stay away from mpreg (Criminal Minds anyone?).

These are mostly from the Star Trek reboot universe, I think.  Pretty sure.  Not positive.


All the Beautiful Things by lallyloo
Summary: Spock has a fetish for pregnant women which he keeps a deeply-hidden and shameful secret. When they discover Jim is pregnant, Spock realizes that his fetish extends to pregnant men, especially his pregnant bondmate. Spock, however, is determined to keep his interest a secret from Jim.
Warnings: mpreg
My Warnings/Opinion: Pregnant!Kirk/Bottom!Kirk, angst, fetish

Cradled by Stars by ligeia
Summary:  Things had become complicated for Kirk and Spock, and become even more complicated when Kirk becomes pregnant.
Warnings: mpreg

Families by amerasu1013 (amerasu_1013)
Summary:  (Sequel to “Jim Kirk, Coitus Interrupter” and “Jim Kirk, Relationship Genius”.)  Kirk is oversharing, again. Bones suffers, again. Spock is pregnant and bossy. And still wants sex. Then there’s fluff.
fluff, mpreg, angst
My Warnings/Opinion:  Friggin’ hilarious; one doesn’t need to read previous stories to understand this one.

Parturiency by MelayneSeahawk
Summary:  Spock’s pregnant with Jim’s child, and the trouble was only just beginning.
Warnings:  mpreg
My Warnings:  Bottom!Spock/pregnant!Spock, kidnapping

Pissed and Pregnant by jade_dragoness
Summary:  Written for the prompt: Spock is fucking PISSED at Kirk – outright ‘if I didn’t love/respect you so damn much I would kill you DEAD’-pissed – and lets him know in a fit of epic vocal rage. Why? Because how is Spock supposed to do his duties when the captain somehow managed to impregnate his sterile ass?
My Warnings:  Friggin’ hilarious, mpreg, Bottom!Spock (well, implied anyway *snickers)

“Damn it, Jim. I‘m a doctor, not a human shield,” grumbled McCoy.

Second Chances by Rae
Summary: She had wanted better for Jim. She had wanted him to have what she had had with George.
Warnings: Family, Kid Fic, Mpreg, Established Relationship, Angst, POV Outsider
My Warnings/Opinion: This is the 5th of a series, but this is by far my favorite.

Untitled mpreg ficlet by tahariel
Summary: From the prompt on the STXI Kink Meme: Spock is pregnant and Kirk can’t keep his hands off him, in and out of bed.
Warnings: mpreg
My Warnings/Opinion: pregnant!Spock

Spock/McCoy, Spock/Uhura (fun with time lines)

For a Pocket Full of Mumbles (such are promises) by lds
Summary:  McCoy makes a deal with an advanced race of aliens visiting on the Enterprise, one that doesn’t quite work out the way he expected. Nor the quite way aliens meant it to either.
Warnings:  mpreg
My Warnings:  time line changes, memory repression, bottom!McCoy/pregnant!McCoy
Length:  33k, complete


Baby Girl by Mir
Summary: Sarek bonds with his new granddaughter.
Warnings: mpreg, fluff, family
My Warnings/Opinion: Very sweet little fic. Pregant!McCoy


Great Expectations by seanchaidh
My Warnings/Opinion: Part 1 of 3. Very cute. Sweet. Short. Pregnant!Bones

The Coming of the Stork by seanchaidh
Summary:  The baby’s half-Kirk; of course the delivery will be early.
My Warnings/Opinion:  Part 2 of 3.

Bicycles and Unicorns by seanchaidh
Summary:  It’s the first time Joanna’s been home in a while, and someone’s very happy to see her.
My Warnings/Opinion:  Part 3 of 3.  My favorite of the series.


The Lovesong of Jim + Mike by chaletian
Summary:  Jim gets it on with psychic blue lint. Of course.
Warnings:  mpreg, crack, original character, alien sex

Stargate SG-1 — Jack O’Neill/Daniel Jackson

I recently got into reading Jack O’Neill/Daniel Jackson fics.  It’s the only pairing I can really stand for the moment, so that’s probably all I’m going to rec.  🙂 Funny how that works.

Coming Clean by Paian
Summary:  Motel shower sex before The Big Event.
Warnings:   Post-Series, Post-Canon, Established Relationship, Anal Play, Anal Sex, Rimming, Shower Sex, Hotel Sex  Wordcount: 1.000-3.000, Fingerfucking, Hand Jobs

First Contact by Paian
Summary: Some aliens-make-them altar porn and angst.
Warnings: Aliens Make Them Do It, Alien Planet, Off-World, First Time, Unresolved Sexual Tension, Angst, Wordcount: 1.000-3.000, Community: fic_promptly
My Warnings/Opinion: Bottom!Jackson, sensory deprivation

Follow Through by Paian
Summary:  Aliens make them do it sometime in Season 5, and what happens after.
5000-10000 Words, Aliens Make Them Do It, Blow Job, offworld, Romance, Season/Series 05, Alien Planet, Oral Sex, Sexual Tension, Resolved Sexual Tension, Alien Culture , First Time, Foreskin Play
My Warnings/Opinion:  And this is why I like Paian . . . she? he? includes warnings for stuff that actually happens lol
Length:  almost 7k

In the Room by Paian
Summary: Same premise as Mechanisms of Restraint — Jack is framed for a sex crime, Daniel talks the authorities into letting him carry out the mirror-punishment sentence — but in this one they talk about it first.
Warnings:  5000-10000 Words, Aliens Make Them Do It, Bondage, First Time, Graphic Sex, Anal Sex
My Warnings/Opinion:  Bottom!O’Neill
Length: almost 7k

Jump Start by Paian
Summary: Even the aliens didn’t expect this to happen.
Warnings: Dubious Consent, Aliens Make Them Do It, 5000-10000 Words, First Time, Hand Job, offworld, Season/Series 05, Cliche, Community: jackdanielpromptfic, Fuck Or Die, Alien Planet, Alien Technology

Just Another Day at the Office by brainofck
Summary: I [used to] have a terrible block about getting Daniel to top. The entire purpose of this piece of meaningless, worthless smut was to get Daniel to fuck Jack. I think that’s all the plot summary you need. 🙂  Archive warning for rape/non-con is for dubious consent.
Warnings:  Aliens Make Them Do It, Dubious consent
My Warnings:/Opinion:  blow jobs, Bottom!O’Neill, drugged!Jackson, rimming, alien aphrodisiacs (also known as “aliens-made-them-do-it”)
Length:  4k

One Perfect Moment by jdjunkie
Summary:  There’s a moment, a single moment when they make love, that Jack waits for.
My Warnings/Opinion:  Bottom!Daniel, honeymoon

Reaction Control by Paian
Summary: Jack and Daniel crammed up close in an escape pod.
Warnings: Angst, Action/Adventure, Community: jackdanielpromptfic, First Time, Frottage, Romance, Sexual Tension, 1000-5000 Words, Alien Planet, Spaceships, Off-World, Tight Spaces, Coming Out, Resolved Sexual Tension, Space Battle

Walls Have Ears by jdjunkie
Summary:  People are having sex, Daniel’s fascinated, Jack wants to sleep.
My Warnings/Opinion:  Accidental voyeurism (aural only), masturbation
Length:  almost 1k

Femme Slash

I’m a female who likes females.  Exciting, I know.  And yet, I still like reading about gay relationships better.  Maybe it’s just because I can actually see the female stuff firsthand; or maybe it’s because not too many fanfic writers do femme slash well.  I dunno.

Criminal Minds

Emily Prentiss/JJ

A Morning At Home by Caitrin Torres (ctorres)
Summary:  There are always new things to learn about your partner.
My Opinion:  This is partially a story about a relationship and the domesticity that comes with it, and partially a story about coming out and the sorts of reactions one gets from parents.

An FBI Agent In Nothin’ But Heels by LittleBundleOfAcid
Summary:  It’s Emily’s birthday…read how she enjoys unwrapping her present,
WARNINGS: femmeslash NC-17 content First femme.
My Warnings:  first person, heels, not graphic (which is a shame, ahem)

God, I Love Football by cgcmff
Summary:  JJ loves the Washington Redskins, Emily loves JJ.
Warnings:  Femslash / Rated M for sexual content. Please read and review.
My Warnings:  Fingering, a little overuse of clichéd phrases (throes of passion?  Really?)

Pleasure Toy by lovetheboys
Summary:  Request: Emily/JJ – Handcuffs and a strap-on, anyway you please.
My Warnings:  Cuffed Emily, strap-on, begging

Emily Prentiss/Ashley Seaver

Dripping by Lunarose30
Summary:  Written for Kink meme. Seaver/Prentiss.
Kink: candles/wax. Bonus for candle as makeshift sex toy.
My Warnings/Opinion:  Needs a beta, but I’m including it because it’s really quite hot.

Criminal Minds – Fringe Crossover

Emily Prentiss/Olivia Dunham

Winning by crazylittleelf
Summary: Sometimes they win.
Warnings: Porn Battle, Wall Sex, 100-1000 Words, Femslash, Crossover
My Opinion: I’ve never seen Fringe, but I liked this.

Criminal Minds – NCIS Crossover

A Little Sleazy and a Little Right by v_angelique
Summary:  Established relationship. Abby’s very kinky and Garcia likes it.
Warnings:  Established Relationship, Kinky, Community: kink_bingo, Watersports, Fat Character, Service Submission, Mirrors, Velvet – Freeform, Gloves, Dirty Talk
My Warnings:  Full bladder orgasms (really hot, they are and so is this)

Criminal Minds – X-Men Crossover

Emily Prentiss/Emma Frost

Falling by Tamoline
Summary: Emily has her world set up just the way she wants it. Until she managed to meet an attractive woman in a place that she really wasn’t expecting. Now the boundaries of her different worlds are changing and overlapping, and she’s left falling.  Companion piece to Faces, covering the events from Emily’s perspective.
My Opinion:  Part of a series (you might want to go back and read from the beginning). I just liked this snippet.  Not explicit


Caitlin Todd/Abby Sciuto

show me yours & I’ll show you mine by coffeesuperhero
Summary:  A/N: I should probably not be left unattended. Kicking the New Year off with some femslash can’t be bad, though. Set just after “Hung Out To Dry,” 1×02. Thanks to leiascully for looking this over.
My Warnings:  drunken sex, fingering, hot

Snarry (Snape/Harry)

All right.  Here we are.  This is the choice of fiction that sustains me even when I cannot lay my hands on any of the other fics that I’ve already listed.  There’s always more Snarry.  Of course, that’s not to say that everyone does Snarry well.  Some people should just limit themselves to writing crackfics.  At least those are supposed to be funny/ridiculous.

Severus Snape/Harry Potter

20 ways to make my Professor blush by yaoi-fied
Summary:  [COMPLETE] Harry decides he likes how Snape looks when he blushes and is determined to make it happen again.
Warnings:  SLASH. HPSS. Tittle says it all. R&R [This a sexual story between teacher and student. If you can’t handle it, don’t read.]
My Opinion:  Needs a beta.  Still funny though.

A Man of Honor by mmmdraco
Summary: A tongue-in-cheek look at Snape’s honor.
Warnings: Underage
My Warnings/Opinion: Not very underage. Crackfic. Frickin’ hilarious in spots. Not to be taken serious. Slash.

Artwork by Rockhandjive
Summary:  One night Harry begins a painting with rather unorthodox tools. SSHP
Warnings:  Lecherous Sirius, AU, and SI (Self-Injury)

The Arrangements by mrscakeakajane
Summary:  Writen for Snarry a thon 2010, Harry and Snape teach at Hogwarts – Harry begs Snape to pretend to be in a relationship with him to keep the new teacher in town who doesn’t seem to understand ‘not interested’ off his back. Pretending becomes reality.
My Opinion:  This fic amuses me.  It also needs a once over by someone other than the author.

Black Math by SiriuslovesRemus
Summary:  The things Harry does on impulse! Your basic PWP featuring Severus x Harry one experimental night. Oneshot.
My Warnings:  blow jobs, teacher-student, alcohol, mild bondage, some dom!Harry, Bottom!Harry

Bound and Determined by chazpure
My Summary:  Harry has been looking for Severus Snape for a long time.  Albus Dumbledore, despite being dead, has unfinished business with the both of them.  So what happens when Harry finally finds Severus?
Warnings:  forced magical bonding, first-time, rimming, bottom-Snape, and plot.

The Family Way by swtalmnd
Summary:  Harry figures out the only way to be sure to get out of the Triwizard Tournament alive is… pregnant.
Warnings:  mpreg, Community: Sweet Charity, alternate universe, underage character (he’s a 4th year, folks!)
My Warnings/Opinion: Bottom!Harry

“Oh!” said Harry. He pulled Snape down for a kiss. “Practice is good. I think we should practice before and after, in fact. In case we want another one down the line.”

Snape relaxed against him, kissing back hungrily. “Lots of practice,” he agreed.

Finding Freedom by Leela
Summary:  Having Potter in his mind left Snape feeling wide-open and vulnerable, but held to the earth by the weight of Potter’s body, he finally felt free.
Warnings:  Bottom!Snape, legilimency, sex in open air (public sex anyone?)

Give Me Life by Lyowyn
Summary:  Slash, Harry becomes aware that he might just fancy his potions professor at roughly the same time that Severus decides he has a thing for one of his students.
Warnings: Possible fluff, lots of tension, rating likely to increase. PotterSnape,with some BlackLupin
Length:  135K, WIP

Harry Potter’s Serendipitous Guide to Happiness by Sa-kun
Summary:  Of course,only Harry Potter would ever manage to end up pregnant with twins while his lover was on one of the strongest contraceptive potions in use. //
Warnings:  SSHP. MPREG. SLASH. Mentions of HarryOC
My Warnings/Opinion:  Daddy Harry, fluff, muggle world, Bottom!Harry

A good ‘un, despite the dreaded mpreg.

Harry’s Tattoo by marigoldml
Summary:  Professor Snape is called from the dungeons at a late hour to handle a very unusual matter. Rated T for some swearing and nakedness and preslash. HarrySnape.
Warnings: Pre-slash

If I fell by mortianna
Summary:  Harry takes Severus for a ride. they banter and then – well you know.
Warnings: PWP, slash, R. Prequel to “Even Potionsmasters get the Cold”.
My Warnings:  blow jobs, excessive wordiness (some might consider it prose.  I consider it excessive)

I just wanted to ask by evil minded
Summary:  AU / With Voldemort on his back and some other things that always nearly killed him, Harry hadn’t had many experiences when it came to – sex. So whom will he ask anything about it when he begins to get interested?
Length:  130 K, WIP

In Between The Lines by Laurenke1
Summary:  Harry finds that his fourth year is going to set him apart from his peers again but he doesn’t have any idea just how much he will gain because of this.
Warnings:  Slash and chan 14
My Warnings:  Kind of like a bizarre combination of a Severitus and a Snarry fic all rolled together.  Fluff.
Length:  18K, Complete

In the Broom Cupboard by AntoinetteD
Summary:  Harry shares a passionate moment with his Potions master.
Warnings:  WARNING! SLASH. M/M SEX. EXPLICIT. Oneshot. Hp/Ss
My Warnings:  blow jobs, Bottom!Harry (isn’t a broom cupboard considered kind of public?)

Jealous Proposal by Cody Thomas
Summary:  Harry and Severus have secretly been together for years. But now that Harry’s engaged, neither Dumbledore nor Voldemort are willing to let Harry keep his lover’s identity a secret, no matter how much he doesn’t want to tell anyone.
My Warnings:  Bottom!Harry, WIP

Journal OneShot PWP SSHP by CrisNoWait
Summary:  After the war Harry returns to school to complete his education, some things have not changed on the surface, however, Harry discovers the benefits of keep up appearances.
My Warnings:  This one is borderline crackish, but I don’t think the author meant for it to be.  Either way, I was and am amused by it.

Lest I Wither by JiM1
Summary:  An adult Harry needs Severus to save him from more than just a dose of untraceable poison. Slash. New chapter: Strategy, Ron Weasley and domestic violence.
Length:  36K, WIP (probably permanently)

Like a Virgin by OllyO111
Summary:  Harry has a plan, stay a virgin until he graduates. Severus has a plan, sleep with Potter before graduation. Throw in stubborn deatheaters, weary friends, and meddling godfathers and then what? At least they’re in love right? Oh dear we are in trouble…
Length:  40K, WIP

The List by ObedientLittleCat
Summary:  Ron wakes Harry up with the answers to today’s Potions test from a mysterious source… When Harry is the only student in the class to get the potion right, how will Snape choose to reward him? HPSS slash!
My Warning:  Lust addled Harry – *snickers*

Lust Potion Number Nine by lesyeuxverts
Summary: Harry Potter was the last person Severus expected to need this particular potion, but the Ministry’s Propagation and Restoration Emergency Guidelines have them both trapped in lives they don’t particularly want to lead.
My Warnings: One kiss! Whoo! lol Honestly, this fic is so mild, I very nearly shoved it in Gen.

The Master Plan by StarryGazer
Summary:  SLASH. Complete. Harry is looking for the knowledge and training to survive the war. Only Severus Snape can give it. This is being edited for mistakes, and that is why the chapter titles and numbers don’t match-I’ll fix it someday.
My Opinion:  Good ‘un.
Length:  137K

Meeting Mr Potridge by Flanclanman
Summary:  Slash: HPSS Snarry one-shot. Harry goes for a drink of an evening and meets someone he doesn’t expect. They blates end up having sex.
My Opinion:  “They blates?”  Likely the author either meant, “The blokes end up having sex” or “They belatedly end up having sex.”  Those are my two theories.  Eh. Regardless of the screwy summary, this is a good fic.

Mistletoe » by Forever then some
Summary:  SSHP slash Severus’ tenacious aunt comes to town determined to meet his fiancé. The problem? Snape doesn’t have a fiancé and the only one around to play the part is Harry Potter.
My Opinion:  This one amuses me greatly.  It’s awesome.

Naked by naturegirlrocks
Summary:  Harry is set on a quest to return to the Dungeons where Severus is waiting. He is naked.
My Opinion:  This one made me snort more than once.  Could use a beta in a couple of spots.

Oblivious by Novocain
Summary:  [“It throbs,” Harry whimpered. “Put me out of my misery, please. I’m begging you! Do you get off on torture?” There was a choked sound from Snape’s vicinity.] Wherein Harry is oblivious, Snape is horny, and Luna makes bets with Hogwarts. Humor fic.
My Opinion:  Kinda ridiculous.

Of Pixie Dust and Clapping Your Hands by point-of-tears
Summary:  Sure,he defeated Voldemort at 16. Sure he can play Quidditch. And sure,he can blow up a cauldron in Potions with the best of them. But when he wakes the first day of his seventh year to a startling surprise,Harry Potter realizes he doesn’t do normal HP/SS
Length:  85K – Complete!  (Marking stories as “complete” is kind of like marking stories as “het” – something that some take for granted, but the rest of us know better)

Perfecting the Art of Odd by point-of-tears
Summary:  Sequel to Of Pixie Dust and Clapping Your Hands. Fairy tales usually end and have their “Happily Ever After.” Well, Harry Potter’s fairy tale is only just beginning and things are getting very interesting…or crazy. Whichever comes first. HP/SS
Length:  84K, Complete

Oh, That Evil Snow by ssjrice
Summary:  It’s Christmas break and the Weasleys play a particularly awful trick on Harry, but Snape is more than ready to help out.
Warnings:  SLASH SnapeHarry Snarry . PWP . ONESHOT

One Stupid Person by quixotic-hope
Summary:  Having lost his value as a spy for the light, Severus must now take a deaging potion and befriend the dratted BoyWhoLived. But what happens when he starts falling in love? HPSS.
Length:  20K, Complete

The Other Potter by Sa-kun
Summary:  Severus Snape decides he deserves happiness. Slash, AR
My Opinion:  Not what you expect, but very good nonetheless.  Harry is not The Boy Who Lived, and Severus despises his twin.
Length:  14K, Complete

Pains and Contradictions by atypicalsnowman
Summary:  SS/HP. Slash. When Harry begins to break under the pressures of death and prophesy, help arrives from an unlikely quarter: Snape. Despite their own doubts, manipulations from all sides and hapless interventions combine to bring their two souls together.
Length:  306K WIP

Pantogogue by BC
Summary:  Slash SSHP. Severus’ POV: Potter is changing in front of my eyes, gaining a disconcerting resemblance to Tom Riddle. As usually, it falls to me to save the brat… for the price of ‘only’ my soul.
Length:  135K, Complete

Persuasion by Achilles2
Summary:  Short PWP: Harry needs Snape’s help and he’ll do ANYTHING to get it. This is the missing slash-scene from Geena’s Black is Black (SBHG)
My Warnings: blow jobs

Pink by AbstractConcept
Summary:  Another of my humorous takes on a cliché fic idea. SLASH. Harry is determined to learn the Animagus Transformation, and the results are…unexpected. HumourRomance, Snarry. One-shot
My opinion:  Really good little story.

Teacher’s Pet by AbstractConcept
Summary:  Sequel to Pink, can be read alone. Severus finds himself stuck with Harry, who can’t—or won’t—relinquish his Animagus form. Snape grows reluctantly fond of the bugger. Slash.

Pledges by Amireal
Summary:  **COMPLETE** Screwed up spells, attacks on hogwarts, Potions Masters who dearly wish he had actual control over his life. SLASH HP/SS
My Warnings/Opinions: Bottom!Harry, Bottom!Snape, everything else in-between (well, not explicitly, but you’ll see).  This is the wizarding equivalent of the “Aliens Made Them Do It” motif.  And Merlin bless me, but I love it.  There’s also a love triangle occurring between Hermione Granger/Ronald Weasley/Draco Malfoy.  And it needs a beta, and someone to help with formatting (and I still love it).
Length:  71K

The Quiz by Kosaka
Summary:  The Gryffindor boys take a compatibility test that forces Harry to come to terms with his feelings for a certain broody older man. But how will Snape take it when he tries to confess? Snape x Harry. COMPLETE.
Length:  10K

Remember Your Heart by bramblerose-proudfoot
Summary:  COMPLETE! After Voldie’s destruction, Harry takes Snape into his home to care for him. Can there be reconciliation? HPSS
Length:  72K

Ring of Fire by Ellen Smithee (ellensmithee)
Summary:  Teh healing buttsecks – literally.
Warnings:  Dialogue only, healing sex
My Warnings:  nifty concept, bottom!Harry, amusing

Saviour Forgotten by Kalliopes Kiss
Summary:  ((COMPLETED)) Harry Potter is charged for a crime that he didnt commit, betrayed and forgotten my those he holds dear. HPSS
Length:  37K

Showers by mrscakeakajane
Summary:  After a tough training session, and not wanting to trudge through the castle looking like a swamp creature, Harry and Severus decided to use the Quidditch showers. As dirty as it sounds.

Shrinking Snape by Srforests
Summary:  Neville Longbottom botches a shrinking potion that causes Professor Severus Snape to shrink until he’s three inches tall. Harry is forced to look after him and keep him a secret. SLASH.
My Warnings:  Violence, hand jobs, blow jobs, probably more, but I’m too lazy to go back and reread it all right now

Slytherin by juxtaposed
Summary:  Severus thinks that Harry is very Slytherin indeed. SLASH and smuff, watch the rating! Complete.

Snapercup’s Baby: The As You Wish Outtakes by Darth Stitch
Summary:  A series of ficlets about Katerina, “Daddy’ and “Papa” from As You Wish.
Warnings:  Slash HPSS. MPREG. Complete.
My Opinion:  Very good fic(s), even the dreaded mpreg tag.

Snapercup’s Baby Part II: More As You Wish extras by Darth Stitch
Summary:  More tales featuring featuring Harry, Severus and their mischievous brood of three.
Warnings:  HPSS slash. MPREG. Fluff. Humor.

The Shameless Bad Ficlet by Darth Stitch
Summary:  Set in the universe of the “As You Wish” Outtakes – Arthur James Potter-Snape inherits Daddy Harry’s knack for trouble and then some. Yet another time-travel story.
Warnings: SLASH. HPSS

So Much More by quixotic-hope
Summary:  Growing up, Harry was told he’d only be good for sex. What happens when Severus wants more?
Warnings:  HPSS oneshot, noncon (previous), child abuse, angst, romance
My Warnings/Opinion:  Bottom!Harry

Isn’t putting a child abuse warning on an HP fic a bit redundant?

So Sexy by redfox13
Summary:  Contest 5 at The Silver Snitch. Harry is working as an Auror and is undercover as a prostitute in Knockturn Alley. Severus sees through Harry’s glamour and is shocked. He confronts the BoyWhoLived about his choice of profession. HPSS, OneShot.

Soldiers by LiterarySpell
Summary:  After Harry’s ill-fated Occlumency lesson, he visits Snape in a fit of guilt—with only minor ulterior motives. Will Snape allow him to cross the line? And can they both find a moment of peace amidst the war?

Sunshine by countesszero
Summary:  Harry has a bad influence on Severus Snape.
My Opinion:  Awww.

That Place in the Dark by Dementor Delta
Summary:  Severus Snape has survived the war and the Dark Lord, but he may not survive Harry Potter.
My Warnings/Opinion:  Bottom!Harry, post-war.  It’s a really intense story, but sometimes those are the best kind.
Length: 16K, Complete

Things That Can Go Wrong by yaoi-is-wowie21
Summary:  ….While Seducing Your Potions Master. Take one messed up Harry Potter. Add one extremely uninterested Severus Snape. Mix it all up with some wacky random plots and you get my story! HarrySeverus….sorta. Absolutely odd.
My Opinion:  I think the author was drinking something stronger than absinthe while writing this, and yet I still like it.  Very not serious.  “Absolutely odd” is absolutely correct.

Up for Anything by torino10154
Summary:  Harry and Severus have lots of kinky sex. This is a good thing. However, there is something else Severus would like to try…if Harry’s willing.
Warnings:  *Unrepentant smut, anal, oral, felching, hair pulling, various toys, bondage, watersports, not completely epilogue compliant (Severus is alive *g* and Harry was never married).* PWP
My Warnings:  Shower sex, Bottom!Severus

Wears the Trousers by AbstractConcept
Summary:  Snape discovers that Harry fits him perfectly. A short oneshot humorromance that will hopefully leave you in stitches.
My Warnings:  Nifty concept

Your Horoscope For Today by Telanu
Summary:  Snape’s having a bad day. Maybe coffee will help. Or Harry. Or both.
My Opinion:  I am amused.  Established Relationships

Severus Snape/Harry Potter/Lucius Malfoy

A Birthday Surprise For WhiteCotton’s Birthday by FaeryQueen07
Summary:  For WhiteCotton’s birthday, Potter-Snape-Malfoy babies and the gratuitous sex that leads up to them!
Warnings:  SS/HP/LM AU, threesome, double-pen., mpreg, PWP –

NCIS – Gibbs Other Pairings

Gibbs slash pairings that don’t belong anywhere else.   Hopefully this space will fill up, because when I started this post, I only had 2.  If anyone has ever seen him paired with oh I don’t know . . . Vance maybe, would you let me know and post the link?

Gibbs/Vance – I found one!

Necessary Reactions by Smackalicious
Summary:  This isn’t right, doesn’t make sense, isn’t what either of them want, but somehow, it’s what’s necessary right now. Vibbs. SEASON 10 SPOILERS. ONESHOT.
Rating: T
My Warnings: Kissing, implied other happenings.

Gibbs/Ducky Mallard

The Physical by Ghostwriter (Zoya_Zalan)
Summary:  Gibbs undergoes a not-so-routine physical.
Established Relationship, Romance
My Warnings:  Slight prostate stimulation

The Way to a Man’s Heart and All by KuriNCIS (KuriKoer)
Summary:  Two friends and a tradition.
Warnings:  Dinner, Sex, Friends With Benefits, Conversation
My Warnings:

Gibbs/Tobias Fornell

The Art of Negotiation by my_young_friend
Summary:  What exactly goes on in that elevator?
Rating:  PG-13
My Warnings:  Frisky 🙂

Casual? by Stacy LA Stronach (slashgirl)
Summary:  Tobias needs Gibbs.
Warnings:  Episode related
My Warnings:  Bottom!Fornell, rare pairing

Grumpy Old Men by thecookiemomma
Summary:  None
Warnings:   Coming Out
My Warnings: Fun banter

Let’s Have Dinner by Shinju90
Summary:  An episode tag for “Devil’s Trifecta.” Gibbs and Fornell have dinner while avoiding Diane.
Prompt: “Here’s an idea, let’s have dinner but absolutely no conversation.”
Yeah, like we’re married!”
Warnings:  Episode: s10e09 Devil’s Trifecta, Episode Tag, Pre-Slash, Slice of Life, Humor

Light by my_young_friend
Summary:  Whatever that bastard was using had hit Gibbs slightly off center, leaving one eye in excruciating pain, but capable of making out shapes of light and dark around him.
Warnings:  Reference to McGee/DiNozzo (faint, vague)
Rating:  PG-13
My Warnings: Injury, no sex (at least, nothing explicit)

Me and You by thecookiemomma
Summary: A case gets Jethro to thinking. Tobias listens.
My Warnings: Coming out discussion

Passing the time by ebonyfeather
Summary:  Gibbs and Fornell get stuck in the elevator.
My Warnings:  Blow jobs, established relationship, a little OOC (at least to me, the geek), public sex?  Well, it is in an elevator . . .

Sanctum Sanctorum by karaokegal
Summary: Drabble-a-Day Project 2011-Day 37. (Posted to LJ on February 6.) Prompt from ncisdrabble100. Challenge #224-Shower. Beta by hllangel. Comments and concrit welcome.
Warnings: drabble, slash, humor

Statement of Fact by Calliatra
Summary: They don’t talk much. It works for them. A progression of meals and not-quite conversations, and maybe something more.
Warnings: Friendship, Friends to Lovers, Getting Together
My Warning: A kiss

Wake Up Call by karaokegal
Summary:  Morning with Gibbs
My Warnings:  Just a drabble, but it amuses me.

Warm Comfort by DeepBlueJoy
Summary:  Sometimes what you need and what you think you need aren’t the same things. Sometimes the rules don’t matter any more…
Warnings:  Hurt/Comfort, Slash, Sexual Content, Spoilers – 2014-2015 season, SPOILERS EPISODE 12:11 – 1/6/14
My Warnings:  The beginnings of a hand job.


Poker Night by kaylashay81
Summary: Tony loved poker night.
My Warnings: Bottom!DiNozzo, blow jobs, sex toys

Doesn’t need a beta exactly, but there is an extraneous word here or there that could use fixing.

Criminal Minds – NCIS Crossover

Gibbs/Aaron Hotchner

Open Ended by Anonymous
Prompt:  Crossover with NCIS. Gibbs/Hotch, wall!sex, one-time only, no-strings-attached thing though. Just to let off steam till they go back to their respective partners who don’t mind. Bonus points for Gibbs/Tony. DOUBLE bonus points for Hotch/Morgan. And I’ll just love you if it’s bottom!Hotch.
My Warnings: Blow jobs, Bottom!Hotch (whoo)

What He Wants by lastcrazyhorn
Summary:  When a serial rapist attacks a naval petty officer, the BAU suddenly finds themselves sharing their case with a team from the NCIS. Three shot. Almost PWP. Slash. All the good stuff. :) Gibbs/Hotch
Warnings:  Slash, Anal Sex, First Time, Crossover, Top!Gibbs, Bottom!Hotch, Rimming, Blow Jobs
My Warning:  Rare pairing (seriously; people do not write this pairing, for whatever reason), shower sex (ish)

Star Trek – McCoy/Kirk

For whatever reason, everyone likes to pair these two together and shove Spock with Uhura.  Now, I’m not condemning those who ship Spock/Uhura, I’m just saying that I wish there were more shippers of Spock with Kirk or McCoy.


Crashing on the Shore of You by severinne
Summary:  It’s the first day of shore leave at Bones’ old family home, and Jim is already bored.
Warnings: Established relationship, domestic, dirty talk
My Warnings/Opinion:  Bottom!Kirk

Guh.  This is a keeper.

Just The Same But Brand New by starsandgraces
Summary:  Seeing Jim from a different angle changes the way McCoy sees himself.
Warnings:  Breathplay
My Warnings:  Bottom!McCoy

Mission Mishaps, or How McCoy Ended up with Tentacles by vamplover82
Summary:  A mishap on a mission leaves McCoy feeling insecure about himself; Kirk sets out to change this.
Warnings:  Tentacles, transformation, anal sex, hand jobs, blow jobs
My Warnings/Opinion:  Bottom!Kirk

Quite hot.

More Than Meets the Eye by silverraven
Summary:  In which assumptions are made and chair!sex is had
Warnings:  First time
My Warnings:  Bottom!Kirk, mutual masturbation, blow jobs, frottage

One Time Spock Walked In On Bones and Kirk Having Sex, and Five Times He Didn’t by hoosierbitch
Summary:  According to the TOS Enterprise schematics, the captain and first officer share a bathroom.
Warnings:  Spock/Nyota Uhura, rough sex, angst, friendship, mind meld, humor
My Warnings:  Bottom!Kirk, marking

That first one is uber hot.  The rest is just funny.

Favorite quote:

“That’s what I said,” Kirk replied, before smacking Spock in the posterior with a towel.

“This is not my life,” McCoy said with a groan.

Pastel by skyblue_reverie
Summary:  Umm, Bones gets whammied with sex pollen and hot manlovings ensue? :D?
Warnings:  First time, sex pollen
My Warnings/Opinion:  Hand jobs, blow jobs

Favorite quote:  “Bones, I haven’t been with anyone in at least eight months. It was part of my long-term strategy. I had a whole plan. There were diagrams and everything. I knew you wouldn’t take me seriously until I’d proved that I could keep it in my pants.”

Pierced by vamplover82
Summary:  Kirk comes back from an away mission with his ear pierced. Things sort of spiral out of control from there.
Warnings:  Piercing, anal sex
My Warnings/Opinion:  This fic amuses me.  Dirty talk (a bit), BottomMcCoy

“Damn it, Jim, I’m a doctor, not a body modification specialist. Just because I have the knowledge required to do it doesn’t mean I should.”

Something New by Thistlerose
Summary:  Jim would like to try something new. Bones has no objections.
Warnings:  Rimming, felching, fingerfucking
My Warnings:  Bottom!McCoy

Steal my Breath by tresa_cho
Summary:  McCoy plays with Jim in the therapeutic spa.
Warnings:  bondage, breathplay, water sex, D/s, submersion bondage
My Warnings/Opinion:  Bottom!Kirk, auto-erotic asphyxiation

Woof.  Definitely have a thing for asphyxiation fics.

This Time by lady_krysis
Summary:  “I’ve got nothing left to say/Just take me away.”
Warnings: Anal sex, rough sex
My Warnings:  Bottom!Kirk

The Trouble With Bubbles by dvswraatins
Prompt:  Every male on the bridge is simultaneously impregnated… by Uhura (and not through sex, because that would be somewhat difficult).  I want smug!Uhura, an embarrassed bridge crew (including a few no-names or redshirts, even), and Scotty and Bones just being pretty much speechless whenever they see them.  And one slash pairing, which can be Chekov/Sulu, Chekov/McCoy, Kirk/McCoy, or if none of those tickle your fancy Spock/Kirk.
My Warnings:  Crackfic (but good).   Amusing as hell.  Mpreg

Where Your Eye Won’t Hit Me by severinne
Summary:  Bones is fed up with Jim’s recklessness. Jim doesn’t mind if it means more of this.
Warnings:  PWP, BDSM, blindfolds, bondage, angst, hurt/comfort
My Warnings:  Bottom!McCoy

Star Trek – McCoy/Spock

All right, I admit it.  I have a small interest in smutty Star Trek fics, but it’s mostly limited to the original trio (McCoy, Kirk or Spock).


A Need As Great by nan

Summary:  Spock goes into pon farr. McCoy is not pleased.
Warnings: Porn battle, romance, Pon Farr
My Warnings/Opinion:  Blow jobs, masturbation

Jim raised his eyebrows. “Hey, this isn’t fair! How come you never treated any of my illnesses like this? All I get are those damned hyposprays!”

A Sense of Smell by syredronning
Summary:  Body fluids and D/s.
Warnings:  Urine, Mirror Universe, Dom/Sub
My Warnings/Opinion:  Bottom!McCoy

Could be consider dub-con . . . sort of.

Five Times . . . Carrying!Kink by igrab
My Warnings/Opinion: I am amused.  One shot.  Nothing graphic.

Impossibility by mrasaki
Summary:  Spock loses badly at chess. Very badly.
My Warnings/Opinion:  Bottom!Spock (whoo!).  Spock and McCoy are bonded.  Awesome fic!

Pictures of a Relationship by amerasu_1013
Summary:  …or: 7 times Spock and Bones were surprised at one another and 1 time they shocked the hell out of everybody else.  Snippets of life on the Enterprise, Bones and Spock, from colleagues to friends to more…
Warnings: Humor, Pre-Slash, Slash, Fluff, Transformation, De-aging, Bonding, Ponn Farr, Established Relationship
My Opinion: Fairly G rated as far as actual sex goes. 😛

Safety Valve by syredronning
Summary:  Everyone needs to have one.
Warnings:  Kinky, fucking machines
My Warnings/Opinion:  Bottom!McCoy

Uninspired by Acidqueen
My Summary/Warnings:  Spock’s masturbation fantasy

Variable by v_angelique
Warnings:  Pon farr, kink meme
My Warnings/Opinion:  Bottom!Spock

I don’t speak Vulcan (really?), but I’m pretty sure they’re bonded in this one too.

White Knuckles by Sadiesin13
Prompt:  Spock bending McCoy over a bed in sickbay and fucking him HARD.
My Warnings:  Bottom!McCoy.  Guh.  Woof.   Rough sex.

Reaper!McCoy/Spock, Reaper!McCoy/Spock/Kirk

Evidence Required by whiteraven1606
Summary:  Written for the ST XI Kink Meme for a prompt that wanted Reaper!Bones/Spock.  Updated to fill more prompts for Reaper!Bones (now develops into Reaper!Bones/Spock/Kirk in chapter three).
Warnings: Reaper!Leonard McCoy, Spock, James T. Kirk, Christine Chapel, Nyota Uhura, Slash, Biting, Marking, Rough Sex, Fingerfucking, Possessive Behavior, Double Penetration
My Warnings/Opinion: Bottom!Spock, Bottom!Kirk, threesome

It is not necessary to know what it means by Reaper!Bones.  The story pretty well explains itself in that regards.

McCoy/Spock, Kirk/Spock

Keep Your Clothes On! by cards_slash
Prompt: ALIENS FORCED THEM TO DO IT SPOCK/MMCOY with one pissed of Kirk cause yknow k/s is pratically cannon (Anonymous) Basically I want spock and mmcoy planet side, doing something or other, they both get nabbed and are forced to do the dirty (ill let the writer decided how or why, but I have a major collector of endangered species kink if you get me), Kirk up on the USS is forced to watch/listen as his long time lover, is getting jiggy with his BFF.

BONUS POINTS if this event causes spock/mccoy to be more prominent, K is a jealous sod.
Rating: NC-17 for sex!
My Warnings/Opinion: Friggin’ hilarious. Author has the bickering quality of McCoy and Spock down to an art. Bottom!Spock

“Get your hands off me, I can take my own pants off.”

“Damn it Jim.  I’m a doctor not a . . . kinky sex . . . person.”

Criminal Minds-Rossi/Hotch

Do you have any idea how hard it is to find good Rossi slash??? Decided to put all of the Rotch fics together and make another post for every other type of Rossi slash pairing. Seriously.


A Fine History by innerslytherin and severity_softly
Summary: Dave keeps Aaron company on the day of his divorce.
Warnings: PWP
My Warnings/Opinion: blow jobs, first times, hurt/comfort

I misplaced this fic for awhile, but thank goodness I found it again. This is a favorite.

After the Case by Arcturus-Sinclair
Summary: Rossi’s fun after a hard case garners the attentions of someone he didn’t expect. Really, slash and M. Read warning inside.
My Warnings: Masturbation, Blow Job
Rating: M

The Afters–The Byway by x_art
Summary: Based on “The Angel Maker.” This is the first of what will be a series of short stories based around episodes. They’ll be in no particular order and feature Hotch/Rossi as well as the rest of the characters.
Warnings: Episode tag, Established Relationship
My Warnings: vague Rotch, well not vague but nothing particularly explicit (including what I think was a blow job)- still hot though, oddly enough.

A Pain That He’s Used To by weaselett
Summary: Rossi knows exactly what Hotch needs.
My Warnings: No sex, SI (Self-Injury), Hot, Corporal Punishment

Circle City Blues by innerslytherin and severity_softly
Summary: Dave offers Aaron a little comfort after a bad case.
Rating:  PG = kissing and hand holding!

“You’re so handsome,” he whispered, closing his eyes and pressing his cheek against Aaron’s shoulder.  “I’m a lucky man.”

“Mmm,” Aaron hummed, feeling a bit more relaxed now.  He leaned back against Dave’s chest and sighed.  “I’m very lucky you’re delusional,” he murmured, turning his head to kiss Dave’s cheek.

don’t forget to breathe by d-generate-girl
Summary: Control is a tenuous thing, and a Unit Chief must always have the illusion of control.
My Warnings: Blow jobs, dirty talk, language

The Expansion of Two Natures, part three by innerslytherin and severity_softly
Summary: When Aaron Hotchner is new to the BAU, he finds himself working closely with SSA David Rossi–one of the original founders of the department. As their relationship progresses, they realize what they have together is more than friendship…but circumstances keep them from having all that they knew they could have together. Years later, Dave has a second chance, just when Aaron needs a friend the most…
My Warnings:   Bottom!Hotch, second time, spit, blow jobs
My Opinion:  I don’t actually like this fic, but the sex is hot (how’s that for a recommendation?)
Length: 7700 for this section, 78K for overall

The Five Things that Dave Learned on Vacation by Kuria Dalmatia
Summary: The Five Things that Dave Learned the First Time Vacationing with Aaron and Jack. It’s their first vacation as a family with Aaron and Jack, and Dave has one hell of a learning curve. – SLASH- Hotch/Rossi, Jack established relationship .
Rating: M

Five Times David Rossi Insisted He Was Completely Straight (And One Time He Didn’t) by Amelia_17
My Warning:  Blow Jobs

The Grandparent Conundrum by Kuria Dalmatia
Summary:  Grandparents were supposed to be an awesome thing.
Rating/Warnings: FRT/PG (mild profanity)
My Warnings:  External prejudice, life with Jack

Just Breathe by Thn0715
Summary: When Hotch finally breaks, Rossi is there to put the pieces back together. Warning – SLASH! Hotch/Rossi. Chapter 1 is rated T. Chapters 2 and 3 are rated M. *** 2X WINNER – BEST H/Ro FIC Tie , BEST SLASH ROMANCE – 2010 PROFILER’S CHOICE CM FANFIC AWARDS!
My Warnings/Opinion:  Bottom!Hotch!!!  Glory hallelujah!

Keeping His Simple Faith Alive by starofoberon
Summary: Holiday gift for kisaitaluvr. Aaron’s, Jack’s, and David’s first Christmas together has one serious flaw: Santa Claus isn’t the only one comin’ to town. So is Aaron’s mother, a manicured Grinch if there ever was one. Probably closer to K than T
My Warnings: One of my favorite fics, life with Jack

Intercession by ilovetvalot
Summary: When David Rossi decides that Aaron Hotchner requires a change of pace, how will his intercession procede. SLASH. Will be “M” in future chapters. Five parts.
Rating: M

The Last Safe Place by TheSecretCity
Summary: Post ‘Exit Wounds’, Hotch and Rossi talk on the flight home. Slashy overtones, don’t like don’t read. Rated for language.
Warnings: Language

Lemon Squares by TheSecretCity
Summary: For the latest incarnation of ilovetvalot’s Fanfic Challenge-Hotch forgets an anniversary and Rossi reminds him. Veers into the slashy, don’t like don’t read!

Losing Control by Daisyangel
Summary: March 14th prompt for rounds of kink Hotch needs to lose control and Rossi is there to help with that. Slash and strong sexual content! Don’t like it? Don’t read it! R/R! please. Flames will be used to burn toast. SLASH and SEX you’ve been warned!
Warnings: first time, spanking, loss of control, handcuffs, dirty talk, blind fold, gag
My Warnings: needs a beta, dom/sub
Rating: M

Lucky by ilovetvalot
Summary: Dave realizes he’s a lucky man. Hotch/Rossi mild slash.

The Morning After by Arcturus-Sinclair
Summary: Sequel to After The Case. Hotch decides to return Rossi’s ‘favor’ from the night before after waking up to something poking him in the thigh. Slash, ‘M’ for a reason, and I own nothing.
My Warnings: Blow job
Rating: M

Not a Blinker by Lexikal
Summary: A few weeks after Hotch’s attack by Foyet, Hotch experiences his first, and hopefully last, panic attack while on the jet. A one-shot. Please read and review! Rated T, just because I am paranoid…

Romance by Kirsten
Summary: They’d say they aren’t romantic.
Warnings: Criminal Minds Kink Meme 4, Romance, Hurt/Comfort
My Warnings: Vulnerable Hotch, no sex

Second Time Around by flashpenguin
Summary: Dave thought he had left love behind along with happily ever after. But what if his fourth chance is in the last person he expected? The one person who knows where Dave is coming from…because he’s been there too?

Secrets by Thn0715
Summary: Hotch worries that his relationship with Dave will not survive with the secret he carries: that Emily is alive and he’s kept them all in the dark. Established Hotch/Rossi relationship.

There Are Benefits to Meeting After Hours by Zeta Sigma
Summary: They always want more than they’re allowed to have…

Undertow by ethelindi, melliyna
Summary: The very short version: Dave gives Aaron a back-rub. More slashy subtext than that scene from Star Trek (you know the one), with a little text thrown in. (The authors have referred to this fic, among themselves, as porn without sex–consider yourself advised.)
Warnings:  Aftermath, Rape Recovery, Scars, Comfort, Friendship, Friendship/Love, Hurt/Comfort, PTSD
My Warnings: Sort of Gen, but sort of not. Post-Foyet, anxiety, Vulnerable Hotch

The Unprofessionals by Kirsten
Summary: He’s never felt more unprofessional in his life.
Warnings Dom/Sub, Orgasm Delay/Denial, Criminal Minds Kink Meme 4, Gags, Bottom!Hotch


Now You See Me by lastcrazyhorn
Summary: Hotch is kidnapped and tortured by a mysterious unsub. Will his team find him in time? Or will he have to get himself out? Non-con.
Warnings: Anal Sex, Blow Jobs, Gags, Urine, First Time, Slash, Horror, Kidnapping, Season 5 spoilers, Alternate Universe, Bottom!Hotch, Sexual Assault, Forced Orgasm


Now You Don’t by lastcrazyhorn
Summary: Sequel to my “Now You See Me” story, in which Hotch gets kidnapped and sexually abused by an unsub. This is the recovery story of what happens after being saved. Possibility for light slash in the future.
Warnings: Rape recovery, Pre-Slash, Nightmares, Horror, Hurt/Comfort, Pre-Relationship, Alternate Universe
Rating: M

Watch Me Now by lastcrazyhorn
Summary: Hotch has finally recovered from being assaulted by an unsub. To prove this, he and Rossi get it on. 3rd in a series, but not absolutely necessary to have read previous two. Oh, and it’s smut. Almost PWP, but not. H/Ro
Warnings: Slash, Rape Recovery, Anal Sex, Top!Hotch, Bottom!Rossi, Alternate Universe

Now I’m A Little Worried by lastcrazyhorn
Summary: 4th in my “Now You See Me” series. Gideon finds out about the relationship between Rossi and Hotch, and he is not pleased. No smut.
Warnings: Rated T for language.

Now THAT’S An Unexpected Request by lastcrazyhorn
Summary:  The fifth installment of lastcrazyhorn’s “Now” series. As a 29 year old virgin, Spencer has more than a few things he wants to try out in the bedroom. But who will he trust to have that first experience with?
Warnings: Established Relationship, Slash, Anal Sex, Felching, Threesome – M/M/M, First Time, Loss of Virginity, Age Difference, Blow Jobs, Skinny Dipping, Bottom!Rossi, bottom!Reid, Alternate Universe, Dirty Talk