I'm sort of picky when it comes to fanfiction.

Posts tagged ‘age difference’

Asexual Faves

Hey, I’m alive!  Trying to update the lists here.  Don’t be surprised if you find something new.

Batman ‘verse

Hugging Batman is a Bad Idea by alienfairyprincess
Summary: An adventure involving two villains, three heroes, and at least one hungry pitcher plant. Some cute fluff with Harley and Ivy, Batman getting hugs, etc.. Inspired by Batman the Animated Series.

This is going to follow my own personal headcanon of Poison Ivy being asexual and just being brilliant at weaponizing the fact that people (often men) choose to sexualize her anyways. *shrugs shoulders* the plant jokes are just too good, sorry
Pairing:  Pamela Isley/Harleen Quinzel
Warnings: Asexual Character, Batman the animated series – Freeform, Cute gays, Occasional swearing, Harley loves kissing people, Ivy is used to weaponizing affection, lots of hugging, Batman needs hugs too ok, Just probablyyy preferably not from Poison Ivy, I don’t know all the canon stuff so if i messed up these characters forgive me, Canon Disabled Character, be gay do crime, Batfamily (DCU)
My notes:  crack, anyone?

The Most Terrifying Thing by  for Goodluckdetective (scorpiontales)
Summary:  Tim has a secret he has been keeping, one that he feels even he only barely understands. He’s worried what others are able to accept, of how it may change things. He just doesn’t want anyone to know.
Warnings:  Accidental Outing, Asexual Character, Hurt/Comfort

Doctor Who

An Odd Pair by stcrmpilot
Summary:  Donna realizes that her friendship with the Doctor (10) doesn’t look quite like the ones she’s used to.
Warnings:  Gen Work, Light Angst, Humor, Fluff, Platonic Cuddling, Alien Cultural Differences, Alien Gender/Sexuality, Miscommunication, Asexual Doctor (Doctor Who), Aromantic Doctor (Doctor Who)

Does Spooning Work as Superglue? by AngelCuttingOnions
Summary:  Jack and the Doctor were there when one of them needed to feel something besides numbness or pain. They’d seen too much, their eyes showing every hurt, every failure, every heartbreak they’d ever had.
Pairing:  Ninth Doctor/Jack Harkness
Warnings:  Asexual Doctor (Doctor Who), Angst, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Hurt/Comfort, Asexual Character

Harry Potter ‘verse

Ain’t Got That Sex Appeal by Tobalerone
Summary:  Harry’s boyfriend, Tom Riddle, loves to see Harry naked—can get aroused from just a bit of exposed skin. Harry can’t quite understand it.
Pairing:  Harry Potter/Tom Riddle
Warnings:  Asexual!Harry, Established Relationship, Alternate Universe – Modern Setting, Sexual Content, Fooling Around in the Shower, Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot, Hand Jobs

Best Friends, of course by AKAwestruck
Summary:  After a bewildering interaction with Hermione, Harry learns that some people think romance is important. Luckily, Snape does not.
Short snippets of a world in which almost none of the Harry Potter plot is relevant.
Pairing:  Harry Potter/Severus Snape
Warnings:  Asexual Character, Aromantic Character, Queerplatonic Relationships, Snippets, Alternate Universe – Forget Canon, Age Difference

The Detentions, Or, Five Times Severus Snape Caught Charlie Weasley After Curfew (And One Time He Didn’t) by afinch
Summary:  Snape looks at Charlie and sees a lot of himself.
Charlie looks at Snape and finds an unlikely friend.
Pairing:  Severus Snape/Charlie Weasley
Warnings:  Asexual Character, Asexuality, Asexual Relationship, 5 Times, Pre-Relationship, Pre-Canon, Canon Compliant, Rare Male Slash Exchange 2017, Treat Fic, Pre-Goblet of Fire, Bullying

Something New by Nahiel
Summary:  With his children now at adulthood and his marriage to Ginny Weasley over, Harry is ready to start over as Hogwarts’ new Defense Against Dark Arts professor. He’s convinced that he’s going to live his life alone but Neville isn’t so sure that’s what’s actually going to happen. Neither quite understand their sexualities, but can they make things work together?
Pairing:  Neville Longbottom/Harry Potter
Warnings:  Asexual Harry, Asexual Neville, Divorce
Length:  41,525

Teen Wolf

An Act of Caring by Mysenia
Summary: Release may be the end goal but the act itself meant so much more.
Pairing:  Peter Hale/Stiles Stilinski
Warnings:  Asexual Character, Asexual Peter Hale, Fluff and Smut, Daddy Kink

Better Than Sex by SushiOwl
Summary: Peter likes Stiles. But Stiles has a secret he’s sure will ruin everything. It’s the end of the world.
Pairing:  Peter Hale/Stiles Stilinski
Warnings:  Asexual Stiles Stilinski, Good Peter Hale, most or less, Sarcasm, Demons, Minor Injuries, is a broken bone minor?, we’ll say it is, Gift Giving, courting, references to old muscials, Caretaking, Caring Peter

Domestic Bliss and Other Nonsense by moonstalker24
Summary:  “So, I think we should get married.”

Peter chokes, fumbles for a second, then manages to set his mug of tea down on the coffee table. He turns to look at Stiles, who is sprawled over the end of the couch, flipping through an old book.

“What?” Peter asks.

Stiles turns bright amber eyes on the stunned werewolf. “We should get married.”


“So all the books can be in one place.”
Pairing:  Peter Hale/Stiles Stilinski
Warnings:  Asexual Character, Asexual Relationship, Asexual Stiles, Asexual Peter, domestic steter, Tooth-Rotting Fluff
My Notes:  Wonderful

Domestic Bliss and Rubber Ducks by moonstalker24
Summary:  Two years after getting married, Stiles and Peter Stilinski-Hale take on a new challenge because Scott is a little bit of a failwolf. Learning how to be parents and all the things that go with it.

Stiles melts into a gooey puddle that he will never admit to anyone, ever. Peter is asleep on his back, one arm trailing on on the floor, the other one is draped over the back of the tiniest person Stiles has ever been within three feet of. Dark brown curls and little pointed werewolf ears and two chests rising in tandem with each other.
Pairing:  Peter Hale/Stiles Stilinski
Warnings:  Asexual Stiles Stilinski, Asexual Character, Asexual Peter Hale, Werebabies, stiles and peters a+ parenting, Derek is a Failwolf, but we love him anyway, Learning to Parent, werewolf style, scott is a failwolf too, all the fluffies, just all the fuzzies

it’s not the color i came in by nezstorm
Summary:  Stiles is a bit of an anomaly among the Omegas he knows, or everyone on the spectrum really.  For him, heats are about comfort and safety, and not at all about sex.
Pairing:  Peter Hale/Stiles Stilinski
Warnings:  Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Omega Stiles Stilinski, Alpha Peter Hale, Asexual Stiles Stilinski, Alternate Universe – Library, Librarian Stiles, Good Peter Hale, Mating Cycles/In Heat, Humor, Fluff, Angst, Misunderstandings, courting, Food, Developing Relationship, Asexuality, Lekking, Allergies, sex repulsed character
My Notes:  *sniffles loudly*

Life Is What You Bake It by neglectedtuesday
Summary: “You’re not broken Mr. Stilinski, nor are you a freak,” Deaton says, reaching into a drawer and searching for something, “You are simply asexual.”

“Asexual?” The word tastes heavy in Stiles mouth but it doesn’t feel wrong.

“Asexuality is not uncommon in society,” Deaton continues, finding what he was looking for. Unsurprisingly it’s a pamphlet. “There are lots of omegas, betas and alphas are asexual or a form of asexuality. There are many chat forums and websites that cater specifically to asexuality. Obviously you will not be required to go to play-mating classes anymore and if you so wish you can remain off the suppressants.”

Stiles clutches the pamphlet in his hands. Asexual. Not broken, just asexual. It’s a word that Stiles can definitely get used to.
Pairing:  Peter Hale/Stiles Stilinski
Warnings: Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Alternate Universe – Bakery, Asexual Stiles Stilinski, Minor Allison Argent/Scott McCall, Baked Goods Galore, Omega Stiles Stilinski, Beta Peter Hale

The Parts Of Sex Pollen Fics That No One Wants To Admit Happens by Bam4Me
Summary: Sometimes, sex pollen doesn’t work like people want it to. Sometimes people won’t choose to get fucked over choosing to die. Sometimes, people are fine with that.
Warnings:  Sex Pollen, Sex Or Death, Stiles Chose Death, suicide talk, Suicide, kind of, Depression, Depressed Stiles, asexual!Stiles, Stiles Refuses To Be Raped To Survive
My Notes:  sad

smells like love by Areiton
Summary:  They smell like warm love and want.
That isn’t the problem.
The problem is they smell like sex.
Pairings:  Chris Argent/Peter Hale, Chris Argent/Peter Hale/Stiles Stilinski, Peter Hale/Stiles Stilinski, Chris Argent/Stiles Stilinski
Warnings:  Getting Together, Domestic Fluff, Established Relationship, Asexual Character, Relationship Negotiation, Werecreature Stiles Stilinski, First Kiss, Pining, Mutual Masturbation

Waiting for Pack by DiscontentedWinter, hisaribi
Summary:  This isn’t the first time Stiles has woken up in a different world.
This isn’t the first time that Peter has been caught in a place where time doesn’t exist.
Except this time they have each other.
Pairing: Peter Hale/Stiles Stilinski
Warnings: Asexual Stiles Stilinski, Magical Stiles Stilinski

Way Better Than Flowers by orphan_account
Summary: “So yeah, if you wanna date me, you can look forward to movie nights, homemade cookies, and absolutely no sex,” Stiles concludes, hope swelling in his chest as Derek gives him a thoughtful look. “Cuddling and forehead kisses are negotiable.”
Pairing:  Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski
Warnings:  Asexuality, Fluff, asexual!Stiles, asexual!Derek


Because why not. I’m rather fond of rare pairings, as you might have realized, and this is definitely one of my favorites.  I may add more to this later . . . as always.

A Job Well Done by PurpleFluffyCat
Summary: …“So that is why the very same February morning saw a large, rangy old tabby cat pad along the dungeon corridors with a piece of contraband between her pointy teeth…”
Warnings: Voyeurism, sexology
My Warnings: A kiss and a lot of funny.
Length: 2,793

A Turning Towards by Delphi
Summary: The only thing more dangerous than a bastard like Snape is the man who just wants to make him happy.
Warnings: Drama, Established Relationship, BDSM, Domestic Violence, Dubious Consent, Dysfunctional Relationships
My Warnings: Not sex but feeling. So much feeling.
Length: 1,531

The Conjugal State by Delphi
Summary: In which Albus Dumbledore makes an error, Severus Snape is certainly not married, and Argus Filch is the happiest man in the world.
Warnings: Romantic Comedy, Aphrodisiacs, Domestic, Forced Marriage
My Warnings: Bottom!Snape, Indulgent!Filch
Length: 6,696

Extracurricular by Delphi
Summary: When an illicit book comes into his life by chance, seventeen-year-old Severus Snape discovers sex magic (or the next best thing to it). He embarks on an experiment (for entirely academic purposes), enlisting the caretaker as an unsuspecting but eager test subject (for purely pragmatic reasons), only to find the results more interesting than even he hypothesized.
Warnings: Loss of Virginity, Sex Magic (kind of), Sexual Experimentation, Underage
My Warnings: Bottom!Snape and sucking and touching and everything nice.
Length: 13,186

Father to the Man by Delphi
Summary: A restricted spell goes awry, and Severus Snape is left scrambling to cover his tracks. Meanwhile, Argus Filch turns out to be surprisingly good with small children, the nature of time is proven to be fiddly and anyone’s guess, and (at least one) Severus gets a second chance at life.
Warnings: Drama, Families of Choice, Kid Fic, Time Travel, Parenthood, Childhood
My Warnings: AU and awesome and sweet.
Length: 20,231

The First Time by Delphi
Summary: “He told Mr. Filch he was a virgin…”
Warnings: Smut, Loss of Virginity
My Warnings: Virgin!Filch, Needy Severus
Length: 805

The Hand That’s Dealt by Regan_V
Summary: Filch might be a squib, but he was a pureblood.
My Warnings: Hand job, blow job
Length: 3,720

He’s Just a Little Fixer-Upper by chickenlivesinpumpkin
Summary: After Voldemort’s first defeat, Snape’s grief and guilt are overwhelming, and he starts thinking about ending it all. But there’s someone in the castle who’s been watching Snape since he was a child, someone determined to put him back together again.
Warnings: Anal Sex, Oral Sex, Suicidal Thoughts, First Time, First War with Voldemort, Dirty Talk, Rare Pairings, Loss of Virginity, Underage
My Warnings:
Length: 10,128

Intruder by Delphi
Summary: Peter Pettigrew breaks into Filch’s rooms to retrieve James’s confiscated Invisibility Cloak and ends up seeing something he shouldn’t.
Warnings: Smut, Established Relationship, POV Outsider, Voyeurism, Underage
My Warnings: Bottom!Snape
Length: 4,341

Needs Must by Delphi
Summary: “This isn’t so much an arrangement as it is…a state of affairs.” A slice of life from Severus’s first year teaching.
Warnings: Age Difference, Cross-Generation Relationship, Class Issues, Caretaking, Rough Sex, Implied Underage Attraction, Brief Underage Fantasy
My Warnings:
Length: 2,408

No Need for the Niceties by vissy
Summary: Written during the June 2006 round of the Pornish Pixies Fantasy Fest for hoskie, who requested Filch/Snape, when Filch is bandaging Snape’s leg (blowjob?), can include blood play (but doesn’t have to), with Harry watching.
My Warnings: blow job
Length: 3,285

Red Cars by Delphi
Summary: In which Severus discovers the power of sixteen and sex.
Warnings: Original Male Character, Smut, Loss of Virginity, Prostitution, Authority Figures
My Warnings: Bottom!Severus. Needy Severus with a side of desperately concerned Filch.
Length: 5,262

White Nights by Delphi
Summary: In which Severus is a sound sleeper and Argus wants points for attendance.
Warnings: Romance, Late at Night, Somnophilia
My Warnings: Bottom!Severus
Length: 2,375

Wrought-Iron by Delphi
Summary: Despite his aspirations and pretensions, there is only one place in the castle where Severus feels right.
Warnings: Drama, Class Issues, Loss of Virginity, Technology
My Warnings:
Length: 569

Batman ‘Verse – Other Pairings

Batman/Robin and Batman/Nightwing pairings are here.  I think every slash pairing on this post could qualify under “rare,” but who knows.  Oh, except maybe the Batman/Superman ones.

I suppose that a lot of these are technically crossovers between the comic ‘verse and toon ‘verse and the Justice League . . . blah.  I don’t really care.

  • Batman

Batman paired with the Green Lantern.  Does that qualify as a rare pairing?  Maybe. If rare pairing is equal to being “ridiculously hard to find,” then I’d say it qualifies.

Which Green Lantern is listed here?  The John Stewart one, unless noted otherwise.

From Green Lantern #156Batman/Green Lantern

Power Lines by Te
Summary:  It’s not a relationship.
Ratings Note: NC-17.
My Warnings:  Bottom!GreenLantern, blow jobs, rare pairing

Batman/Flash (Wally West)

If Batman/Green Lantern pairings are ridiculously hard to find, then Batman/Flash pairings are only slightly better.  I think authors enjoy putting these two together if only because they are complete and utter opposites.

And in this moment by Te
Summary:  Wally’s got a visitor.
Ratings Note:  NC-17. So very, very NC-17.
My Warnings:  Gee, where should I start . . .  rare pairing, blow jobs/hand jobs, first time, rimming, Bottom!Flash (multiple orgasms?).  Um.  That’s mostly it.

Point Proven by Jazyrha
Summary:  Wally has a point to prove.
Warnings: Bondage, Restraints, Humour, Banter, Mild Language, Sexual Content
My Warnings:  Bottom!Flash

Possibility by Te
Summary:  Wally tries hard.  Batman doesn’t.
Ratings Note: NC-17.
Author’s Note: Never in my life did I think I’d write this pairing.   I’ve *mocked* this pairing. I know better now.
My Warnings:  hand job, literal darkness, first time, rare pairing.  Also, this is the first of a three part series.  I don’t much like the ones after (not b/c they aren’t good, but b/c they aren’t my thing).

Date Night is the next fic, and In the hollows of his love comes after that.

same grim giving, The by shrift
Summary/Warning:  Sex pollen
My Warnings:  Hand jobs, Bottom!Flash, sort of dub-con, but not really . . . you’ll see.

This Fever, Spreading by Te
Summary: Wally knows he shouldn’t.
Ratings Note/Warning: NC-17. Possible disturbing content.
My Warnings: Finger fucking, blow jobs

Threats and Promises by laceymcbain
Summary:  Bruce had said if Wally didn’t come back, he’d come and get him. It wasn’t a threat. It was a promise.
Warnings:  Shower sex, angst, established relationship (it’s part 6 of a series – but not really necessary to read others unless you want to . . .)
My Warnings:  Finger fucking, blow jobs

Trespass not on his solitude by shrift
Summary: “You shouldn’t be here,” Batman says.
Warnings:  First Time, Hot Tub, justice league (animated)
My Warnings: Bottom!Flash

Batman/Gordan/Harvey Dent – from Nolan movies

Men on the Chessboard by jane_potter
Summary:  In the end, everything is very simple: Bruce is the legend, Harvey is the lion, and Jim is the law; and if this is the sum of them, then they are nothing if not with each other. This thing between them– whatever it is– has bound them together for years, and all that’s really certain is that both Gotham and they are better for it.
Warnings:  Threesome – M/M/M, Blow Jobs, Dirty Talk, Explicit Language, Explicit Sexual Content, Chess, Blindfolds
My Opinion/Warnings: Bottom!Dent. Rare Pairing (at least with all three of them).  They know his secret identity and Dent is still Dent.


Hell or High Water by Azurine
Summary: “I told you not to touch it.”
Warnings: Aliens-Make-Them-Do-It
My Warnings/Opinion: Bottom!Batman, friggin’ hilarious

“Um. . .” said Bruce. Vaguely, he wondered how exactly *he* always ended up being the guy who had to deal with strange shit like this. Captain America probably *never* had to watch gay porn in an alien spaceship.

In, around, through by Te
Summary: Eventually, they were going to have to talk. One way or another.
Ratings Note: NC-17
My Warnings/Opinion: Bottom!Batman (oh hell yes!), finger fucking, public sex (ish).

This pairing is just a problem waiting to happen. I mean, the Dark Knight and the Boy Scout? On the other hand, I like when people write Supes with a little depth (really, any would be more than most). And Bottom!Bats . . . geez. Look at the others on this list. Batman NEVER bottoms, except in non-con sometimes. So hot.

Batman (Bruce)/Batman (Terry McGinnis)

Even the wildest animals by Te
Summary: Terry isn’t entirely altruistic.
Ratings Note: NC-17. Cold weather comfort fic with porn.
My Warnings: Blow job, hand job, massage, age difference, technically chan . . . sort of. Like Terry’s old enough to be Batman, but not have sex with guys more than FOUR TIMES his age? Dude.

Grace, force, fascination by Te
Summary: Terry knows how to get what he wants.
Ratings Note: NC-17.
My Warnings/Opinion: Age difference (like extreme, and technically chan, I suppose, even if Terry is 16 or 17), blow jobs, finger fucking, Bottom!Batman (Terry), light begging.

I don’t think I’ve ever read this pairing anywhere else, but then again, I really didn’t care for this Batman that much, so it’s likely I just never looked. *slightly feral grin* But Te does it right.

  • Alfred Pennyworth

Alfred Pennyworth/Lucius Fox

Backstage by Yahtzee
Summary:  “We are neither of us what we were intended to be.”  Some love stories are no worse for an interruption.
My Warnings:  Kisses.  *pleased*  Rare pairing.

Hidden Depths by minim_calibre
Summary: For Porn Battle 8, prompt Alfred/Lucius, dedication
My Warnings: Hand job, rare pairing

Old, Familiar Things by lonelywalker
Summary:  Alfred and Lucius’ first evening in the new and improved Wayne Manor.
My Warnings/Opinion:  Bottom!Alfred (which leaves me halfway between “wow!” and “oh god”).  However, it’s not explicit, so I’m definitely more on the “wow” side.  Vague, general, but still spicy. 🙂  Rare pairing?

  • Harley Quinn

Harley Quinn/Joker

Bad Jokes by hahaharley
Summary: Harley sees a case that could make her career. The Joker sees a naïve young therapist with a breakable mind. Swiftly, he lures her into a downward spiral, resulting in her defeat and rebirth as Harley Quinn, the only one capable of surviving at his side.
Warnings: Psychological Drama, Thriller, Suspense, Graphic depictions of violence
My Warnings/Opinion: het!, really awesome fic

Forty Eight by rapacityinblue
Summary: One man’s freedom is another’s descent into madness.
Warnings: Graphic depictions of violence, [references to] child abuse
My Warnings/Opinion: The allure of the Joker . . . to a young Harley Quinn.

Malady by hahaharley
Summary: The Joker is sick, so Harley does what any girl with a deathly ill, overachieving partner would do— she drugs him and handcuffs him to the bed until he gets better.
Warnings: Psychological Drama, Hurt/Comfort, Graphic depictions of violence
My Warnings/Opinion: addiction, het

Criminal Minds – Aaron Hotchner – Other Pairings

Other pairings aside from Hotch/Reid.  I decided to split that post because of how many Hotch/Reid fics I had vs. how few I had of others.


(I don’t like Reid/Morgan much, but I like it when they’re all together.  Meh)

A Pair of Jokers by seditionary
Summary:  Hotch, Reid and Morgan are on a long drive and need to stop for the night. Hotch discovers something he’s not sure he wanted to know about his two special agents.
Warnings:  Slash, naughty goings-on.
My Warnings:  Not a threesome really, more like accidental voyeurism; anal, Bottom!Reid, masturbation

Change My Needs by JustJasper
Summary:  For Kink Meme IV: Hotch and Reid invite Morgan for a threesome to cuckold Hotch. Smut.
My Warnings:  Bottom!Reid, needs a beta (fun with tenses, ahem), a little OOC, ridiculously hot.  Mostly Reid/Morgan, but established Hotch/Reid, Voyeur!Hotch

Royalty Has Its Privileges by seditionary
Summary:  Silly AU inspired by the Royal Wedding. Hotch is a prince whose father Rossi, lol is making him choose a bride, but he’s more interested in his two courtiers, Morgan and Reid.
Warnings:  Smut! Slash, crackish, m/m sex, threesome.
My Warnings:  Kinda ridiculous, but fun.

Sex Ed (“Three is Company” is new title) by AhmoseInarus
Summary:  REQUEST FROM EMRI-MAY–When hotel room key cards get mixed up, Hotch finds himself walking in on Morgan and Reid engaged in unexpected activities. But even more unexpected, Morgan talks Hotch into joining in… and it wasn’t hard to do so, either. H/M/R
My Warnings:  Blow jobs, dirty talk, anal, fluff, double penetration (DP), Bottom!Reid


A Moment of Weakness by Arcturus-Sinclair
Summary: Hotch beds with Morgan after a long case, and Morgan’s dream causes him to act on some…hidden feelings. This is Slash! Also, rated M for a reason.
My Warnings: Hand jobs, dub-con? (kinda), masturbation

Deadly Intent by Ice_Prince1
Summary: Twin fic with Not my Intention, this time Hotch’s POV, pwp
Warnings: Slash, Anal Sex, No Redeeming Social Value, PWP
My Warnings: Bottom!Hotch (whoo!)

The Everything Man by IrishCreamTruffle
Summary:  SLASH. Derek Morgan and Aaron Hotchner – Hotch . Hotch: “No one should expect to get a lot of sleep for the next three days.” Rated for adult content.
My Warnings:  Mutual masturbation, blow jobs


Who’s With Reid? by lastcrazyhorn
Summary:  So, WHO ended up rooming with Reid while they were in Alaska? Here are eight different scenarios of possible answers. Every Reid pairing, just because I wanted to see if I could do it.
Warnings:  Re/H, Re/Ro, Re/P, Re/JJ, Re/Ga, Re/M, Re/Gi, Re/Elle, Threesome DP
My Warnings:  This fic is so wonderfully versatile.  Ch8 is Hotch/Rossi/Reid.  Hand jobs, nightmares, rimming, Bottom!Reid

Now THAT’S An Unexpected Request by lastcrazyhorn
Summary:  The fifth installment of lastcrazyhorn’s “Now” series. As a 29 year old virgin, Spencer has more than a few things he wants to try out in the bedroom. But who will he trust to have that first experience with?
Warnings:Established Relationship, Slash, Anal Sex, Felching, Threesome – M/M/M, First Time, Loss of Virginity, Age Difference, Blow Jobs, Skinny Dipping, Bottom!Rossi, bottom!Reid, Alternate Universe, Dirty Talk

Hotch/Reid/John Blackwolf

Fortune Cookies by Stacy L.A. Stronach (Slash_girl)
My Warnings:  Bottom!Hotch, blow jobs

Hotch/John Blackwolf

The Same Place by Tigerlady (shetiger)
Summary:  There is an old Apache saying: You can take many paths to get to the same place.
Warnings:  Infidelity, First Time, Episode Related
My Warnings:  Bottom!Hotch

A Road, Long and Winding by Tigerlady (shetiger)
Summary:  Finalizing the divorce has left Hotch adrift and dangerously unfocused. When a case brings the BAU back to New Mexico, he finds himself thinking about an old acquaintance–and maybe, taking some time to sort out all the stuff in his head.
Warnings:  Episode Related
My Warnings:  Bottom!Blackwolf

Hotch/Reid, Hotch/Gideon, Morgan/Gideon

Released and Bound by slashgirl
Summary:  Gideon gives Hotch what he needs…even Reid.
Warnings:  Bondage, Dom/Sub
My Warnings:  Bottom!Hotch


Acid and Baby Oil by tbird1965
Summary: While looking for an unsub, Hotch and Emily are accidently covered in a caustic acid powder that begins to eat away their clothing. The cure? Baby oil. HAVE FUN.
Warnings:  Rated M for Mature, naked, oily smutty adult fun.
My Warnings:  het!!!  Ridiculous situations.

Hotch/Prentiss, Jack

A Letter to Santa by chiroho
Summary:  TV Show Episode Title Challenge – December – One Tree Hill: Please, Please, Please, Let me Get What I Want – Hotch and Jack have a little father/son time one evening. No spoilers, but set some time after ‘100’. Oneshot.
My Warnings:  Cuteness.  Life with Jack.


Man or Machine? by tbird1965
Summary:  Ashley Seaver’s a little frighened of her intense, stoic new boss. To her he seems more like a machine then a man. Will her opionion change when she catches him engaging in a very human and very private act. Rated M for MATURE.
Warnings:  Masturbation, voyeurism

This is the first of a series; so if you liked it, you might consider looking at the author’s profile and continue reading.

Criminal Minds – NCIS Crossover


What He Wants by lastcrazyhorn
Summary:  When a serial rapist attacks a naval petty officer, the BAU suddenly finds themselves sharing their case with a team from the NCIS. Three shot. Almost PWP. Slash. All the good stuff. 🙂 Gibbs/Hotch
Warnings:  Slash, Anal Sex, First Time, Crossover, Top!Gibbs, Bottom!Hotch, Rimming, Blow Jobs
My Warning:  Rare pairing (seriously; people do not write this pairing, for whatever reason), shower sex (ish)

Underage Non-Con or Dub-Con

This is fiction.  And what’s more, I didn’t even write all of these (just one or two, maybe).  I’m just cataloging their existence.  I’ll mention the length if it’s worth mentioning.  🙂

Harry Potter

Severus Snape/Draco Malfoy

Despoiled – by LiterarySpell
Summary:  Snape takes the role of babysitter very seriously.
Warnings:  extreme chan (Draco is seven), coercion, dub-con, non-con
My Warnings:  Bottom!Draco, rimming

Severus Snape/Hermione Granger

For the Cause – by Paronomania
Summary:  Alone in a dubious part of Wizarding London, Hermione is rescued by Snape, whose protection is as bad, or worse, than the danger from which she was fleeing.
Warnings: Bestiality, Anal, A2M, Dark, Chan/Loli, Teacher-Student

Severus Snape/Harry Potter

Absolution by Rushlight
Summary: Snape is forced to make a difficult decision when Harry is captured by Death Eaters, and they both have to find a way to deal with the aftermath.
My Warnings: Non-con, death eaters, snarry, drugged
Length:  Worth mentioning, but I haven’t a clue how long it is (not listed).

The Cruelty of Severus Snape by orphan_account
Summary:  Severus Snape doesn’t hate children, as most think. He loves them. Especially when they cry.
Warnings:  SS/hp chan, first year, spanking
Length:  3K

Detention by isidore13
Summary:  Severus Snape takes care of a sexually abused Harry Potter.
Warnings:  Rape/Non-Con, Underage
My Warnings:  Finger fucking, chan(11), mentions of past sexual abuse, and fluff, strangely enough

Mistaken Identity by AmanitaMuscaria
Summary: Severus has plans for Harry. Somewhat altered to allow further chapters. They’re not mine; I just take them out and play with them. I clean them off when I’m done
Warnings: chan, underage sex, non-con, please don’t go here if you don’t like these things!

Thicker Than Water by swtalmnd
Summary:  Snape comes across Harry in a vulnerable moment, and devises a plan to tie Harry’s loyalties to him.
Warnings:  rimming, manipulation, mpreg, knickers, mischief, mush, chan(11)
My Warnings:  Bottom!Harry.  Harry is starved for affection and Severus is willing to give it. It’s really only dub-con in the beginning.
Length:  22K, Complete

Harry Potter/Severus Snape

A Twisted Harry by lastcrazyhorn
Summary: Harry pulls one on Severus and gets something he’s wanted for awhile. It is also an alternate direction that my Breaking Forwards (FF.net) story could have gone in. Standalone. AU to an AU.
My Warnings: Anal, dub-con, blow jobs, drugged, Bottom!Snape, Bottom!Harry

Severus Snape/Neville Longbottom

Living Up to Expectations by Good_Witch
Summary:  Madam Pomfrey has to leave the hospital wing in Snape’s care. But the treatment Neville receives when he shows up after curfew is anything but therapeutic.
Warnings:  abuse, sexual abuse, non-consensual, sexual violence
My Warnings/Opinion:  Neville isn’t exactly underage, but he is in school as a 7th year.  Sounding (with a wand).  Aphrodisiac cream.
Length:  4.5K

Vernon Dursley/Harry Potter

Filthy Freak by Pickled Rellish
Summary: Eight year old Harry Potter could honestly say that he didn’t know where he stood with his Uncle. Sometimes, his Uncle hated him, other times, he loved him. But Harry always feels like a…
Warnings: Chanslash, non-con, incest

Death Eaters/Harry Potter, Lucius Malfoy/Harry Potter

Fall by bamma
Summary: AU! Harry is kidnapped during the last Hogsmeade weekend. Rescued by Draco and Severus, can Harry learn to live again?
My Warnings: Needs_a_beta, non-con, ParentSev, Fluff, Adoption, OOC, deaging, chan, abuse, kidnapping, recovery, resorting, Violence, Interesting_Yet_Annoying
Length:  Just over 50K

Marcus Flint/Draco Malfoy

Make It Better by Inell
Make It Better (an alternative link, should Skyehawke be down)
Summary:  During second year, Draco is sore after practice. Marcus offers to make it better. Unfortunately Draco has no idea what ‘making it better’ will entail.
Warnings:  Chan, non-con/dubious consent (Marcus/Draco)
My Warnings:  Bottom!Draco
Length:  One-shot

Peter Pettigrew/Draco Malfoy

The Guantlet by Marks
Summary:  Not everyone’s first time includes sweet fumblings and scented candles.
Warnings:  DM/PP (2nd in the “Rich Man” series, non-con, cross-dressing, violence)
My Warnings:  Bottom!Draco
Length:  Just over 2K, one-shot

Remus Lupin/Ron Weasley, Severus Snape

Sleep Aid by Turbosized
Summary: Snape watches Professor Lupin help Ron to relax
Prompt: Snape as a guilty voyeur watches surprising events unfold in the Hogwarts castle on one of his nightly rounds of Gryffindor-and-Potter-hunting…
Warnings: Chan (Ron’s 3rd year), Voyeur, dub-con
My Warnings: Finger fucking, hand job, blow job


  • Dick Grayson

Batman/Robin (Dick)

Consequent by Te
Summary:  Dick takes a nap. Things go badly.
Ratings Note/Warnings: R. Contains content some readers may find disturbing.
My Warnings:  Mind fuck, hand job

  • Tim Drake

Batman/Robin (Tim)

A boy like that by Te
Summary:  Batman gets dosed with a drug via the Scarecrow that REMOVES fear/inhibitions etc.
My Warnings:  Dub-Con, Bottom!Robin (Tim), Drugged (Batman), spanking, bondage (circumstantial)

Chronicles of Narnia

  • Eustace Scrubb

Eustace Scrubb/Prince Rilian

Fumbling in the Dark by Angelike Riddle (eosrose)
Summary:  As the four companions make their way through the darkness of the Underworld, certain truths come to light. Years of living under a dark enchantment have left their mark on the young Prince Rilian.
Warnings:  First time, The Silver Chair, dub-con, POV Third Person (I wish people would put warnings up for First Person), Past Tense.
My Warnings:  Chan (is it still chan if it’s between two people who are both underage?), hand job

  • Prince Rilian

Prince Rilian/The Green Lady (Het?  I’m listing het?)

Mandolin Purr by voleuse
Summary: But the less you noticed it, the more it got into your brain and your blood.
Warnings: Dub-Con, The Silver Chair
My Warnings: Vague. Extremely vague. But still enough to give one a chill here and there.  Oh, and it’s het.


OMC/Tony DiNozzo
(Jethro Gibbs/Tony DiNozzo – Consensual)

Damage by Xanthe
Summary:  When Gibbs investigates a minor robbery, he uncovers something much more sinister. The resulting investigation has unexpected and far-reaching consequences.

Damage: n.1. Injury or harm impairing the function or condition of a person or thing.
Warnings:  Angst, Drama, Case, Hurt/Comfort, Action, First Time, Romance, Past Child Abuse, Child Abuse, Award Winner
Words:  133,686
Status:  Complete
My Notes:  Just uber wow.  Bottom!Gibbs, Bottom!DiNozzo

Teen Wolf

  • Allison Argent

Allison Argent/OMCs

breaking body and mind by orphan_account
Summary: Chris crossed the wrong people and now they’re in his home, all set to get their revenge and show him what happens when he doesn’t keep his word…
(Let’s just say today is not a good day to be Chris Argent’s teenage daughter.)
Warnings:  Revenge, sex as punishment, Breaking and Entering, Humiliation, Dirty Talk, Threats, Groping, Vaginal Fingering, Nipple Play, Loss of Virginity, First Time, Gags, Gangbang, Bondage, Blow Jobs, Slapping, Face-Fucking, Crying, Nipple Clamps, Flogging, Vibrators, Forced Orgasm, Rough Sex, Come as Lube, Unsafe Sex, Creampie, Anal Fingering, Anal Sex, Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot

  • Derek Hale

Derek Hale/OMC (Grandfather)

Grandpa’s Boy by darktwistedmusings
Summary: CuriousCat Prompt:

Hi! Loved your fic ‘Fun at the alley’ ! Do you plan on a sequel? If you take requests, i’d love a fic with underage Derek having a special relationship with his grandad (or uncle but older+). I imagine Derek getting out of his grandpa’s room with swollen lips, a clean and puffy hole and a big smile. Even if you’re not interested in this prompt, i can’t wait to read what you write next ! Thank you for your writing!
Warnings:  Extremely Underage, Incest, Extremely Dubious Consent, Coercion, Sexual Coercion, Hand Jobs, Rimming, Anal Sex, Comeplay, Felching, Grooming, Overstimulation, Dirty Talk

  • Scott McCall

Alan Deaton/Scott McCall

Touch by goddessofcruelty
Summary:  Scott McCall is a boy without a Daddy, and Alan Deaton has a long history of taming things.
Warnings:  Evil Deaton, Training, Underage – Freeform, Blow Jobs, Hand Jobs, Butt Plugs, Come Inflation, First Time, Rare Pairings
My Notes:  Creepy!  And hot!  Creepy hot?

Peter Hale/Scott McCall

Made For This by TruebornAlpha
Summary: Prompt: Drugged!Sceter
Warnings:  Rape, Rape/Non-con Elements, Drug-Induced Sex, Choking, Anal Sex, Underage Sex, PWP, Shameless Smut

  • Stiles Stilinski

Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski

At the other end of the country by thingsiwontadmittohavewritten
Summary:  In which Derek and Stiles move to the other end of the country and then fuck a lot.
Warnings:  Extremely Dubious Consent, Anal Sex, Anal Fingering, Anal Plug, beastiality, Knotting, Full Shift Derek Hale, Sex with a poodle, Sex with a shifted werewolf, Implied Rimming, Derek Hale Bites Stiles Stilinski, Top Derek, Bottom Stiles Stilinski, Power Imbalance, Coercion, an alpha can control its beta(s) – implied, not sane Derek Hale (implied), Dark Derek Hale, Stiles Stilinski is 16, Derek’s at least ten years older, takes place after the end of season 1, Dead everybody but Derek and Stiles (implied), PWP – Porn Without Plot, Chapter 2 is worse, and suddenly took a much darker turn at the end
My Warnings:  Starts out dub con. Ends more on the non-con side

When we’re alone by profoundlyfriedtrash
Warnings:  Rough Sex,  Sexual Coercion, ooc stiles, Dark Derek Hale, Underage Sex, Extremely Dubious Consent, Feminization

Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski
Peter Hale/Stiles Stilinski
Derek Hale/Peter Hale
Derek Hale/Peter Hale/Stiles Stilinski

Pleasure before Shame by GravityDidIt
Summary:  Stiles stumbles on a special strain of wolfs bane and Peter stumbles upon him and Derek and takes his opportunity.

The story “Peter & Pollen” from Stiles and Derek’s POVs.
Non-consensual sex, Non-Consensual Oral Sex, Knotting, Oral Knotting, Threesome – M/M/M, Spitroasting, Incest, Uncle/Nephew Incest, Sex Pollen, Oral Sex, Anal Sex, Breeding, Cum Swallowing, Come Swallowing, foot worship, Body Worship

Wolf Sandwich by 
Summary: Sequel to Just The Tip. In which Peter almost fucks Stiles how Stiles wants him to, Derek almost beheads Peter like he wants to, and the Jeep has seen better days.
Things get weird and wet.
Warnings:  Knotting, Watersports, pissing inside, Threesome, Oral Sex, Prostate Massage, Prostate Milking, Anal Fingering, Possessive Derek, Possessive Behavior, Alpha Derek, Alpha Peter Hale, Uncle/Nephew Incest, Dubious Consent, Overstimulation, Verbal Humiliation

Sheriff Stilinski/Stiles Stilinski
(Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski – but this one is consensual)

what the lord gave me by orphan_account for Ginger_Rogers
Summary:  Derek and Stiles are fucking with no strings attached, and the Sheriff knows about it because some time ago he installed nanny cams in Stiles’ room to keep an eye on him. He never would have thought going through the tapes could be so much fun.
Also when Derek is gone, the Sheriff likes to go into Stiles’ room and fuck him while he’s asleep. Because you know, why not.
Warnings: Father/Son Incest, Sexual Abuse, Child Abuse, Somnophilia, Nanny Cams, Friends With Benefits, Sort Of, Age Difference, Rough Sex, Top Derek, no sterek romance, Voyeurism, Stiles is a heavy sleeper, Come as Lube, Anal Sex, Top John, Bottom Stiles, Size Difference, Possessive Behavior, Creampie, Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot