I'm sort of picky when it comes to fanfiction.

Archive for June 23, 2011


  1. The Addams Family
  2. Batman
  3. Battlestar Galactica
  4. Big Bang Theory
  5. Buffy the Vampire Slayer
  6. Charlie & the Chocolate Factory
  7. Chronicles of Narnia
  8. Criminal Minds
  9. Dean Martin RPF
  10. Doctor Who
  11. Fringe
  12. Harry Potter ‘Verse
  13. House
  14. LOTR
  15. NCIS
  16. Oz (HBO)
  17. Pirates of the Caribbean
  18. Star Trek
  19. Star Trek:  TNG
  20. Star Wars Prequel
  21. Stargate SG-1
  22. Teen Wolf
  23. Whose Line RPF
  24. X-Files
  25. X-Men

And as always, the Table of Contents (listing of posts with fics). It’s entirely likely that this list might get added to the TOC (table o’ contents), but I haven’t decided for certain if that’s a good idea or not. 🙂